

This is your “What would you bring to a desert island” kind of question, but with TV series!

Streaming platforms have made entertainment more affordable and exciting than before, but ultimately it’s up to us to decide where to invest our energy. Some shows educate us, others inspire us and make us laugh, and there’s a third kind that simply wastes our time.

I suppose it’s the third kind that we must be careful about. If we take reality TV for the absolute truth, for example, then we’re forgetting the role of the producers that make sure the drama’s amped up enough for our nervous system to go on an emotional rollercoaster.

The goal of our everyday experience, however, is not to go through constant ups and downs, so that we feel the thrills of being alive. It is, in fact, to be in a state of calm that allows us to understand what pain and other uncomfortable emotions are trying to teach us while holding deep appreciation for love, joy and trusting others.

And I don’t think reality TV’s quite there yet! 👀

But a lot of other TV series celebrate life in a more positive way. My favourite type – the sitcom!

So if you had to pick one TV series, think of a show that makes you feel better and want to do better by feeling one of the these emotions (to name a few):

  • curiosity for the world

  • imagination for solutions

  • love for each other

  • inner child’s joy

  • hope for a better tomorrow

  • passion for your craft

Will you find that in Friends, with the strong determination of Monica, the unquestionable humour of Chandler and the extremely playful energy of Phoebe?

Or maybe in The Office? Michael Scott might not be the best manager, but he’s willing to be himself every single day, could you say the same thing about you?

Perhaps in How I Met Your Mother? A story of love from the first episode to the very last one, so long as you keep believing as strongly as Ted.

Or Brooklyn Nine-Nine? The squad that shows us we can handle any problem that comes our way, that we have the power to save the day, that we are supported no matter the challenge.

I have a feeling the TV series you pick right now will show you exactly the kind of energy you wish to create in your own life. Trust your intuition!

As for me, I think I’d have to say The Good Place. All the lessons and all the magic I ever need to find are in there (in me), as long as I keep rewatching the episodes to remember.



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



