Creativity meets spirituality


Choose the creative path

Every creative person knows the struggle of having a hyper active brain that’s constantly receiving ideas!

Well, I kinda overdid it in April 2023 and reached my breaking point…

Let me backtrack for a second: I was not walking only on the creative path, I was also walking on the spiritual path – yes, I was going through yet another spiritual awakening!

In the process of realigning with my soul purpose and maintaining my full-time job, I got completely burnt out.

The breakdown didn’t happen overnight – the warning signs were there for a while along with my determination to do it all, but I am human at the end of the day, regardless of the capacity of my brain!

What happened almost overnight, however, was the biggest BREAKTHROUGH I’ve ever experienced in my life.


Trust the creative path

I accepted my defeat and quit my job without anything else in mind but my recovery. Then an idea appeared!

Well, it was more like a voice that came out of nowhere and interrupted my reading in the park: “Go back home… now!”

I closed the book, packed my things and home I went.

5 hours later, I was looking at a whole business strategy onto Google Slides: downloaded straight from my consciousness.

Talk about being connected with your Higher Self!

And in this moment I knew, life’s about to get extra creative.


Walk the creative path

30 days after the biggest burnout episode ever, I founded Stellar Inc with the mission to help businesses and individuals live more creatively.

Here’s the thing: all creative people are spiritually advanced for they are connected to Source, the centre of the Universe where all ideas come from, whether they realise it or not.

Here’s another thing: everyone is connected to Source and there’s creativity in everyone as long as they’re open to continuously learning, changing and expanding.

We are all spiritual beings that are having a human experience on Planet Earth and when we connect with our Higher Self, we are able to fulfil our soul purpose.

Walking the creative path sooner or later leads you to the spiritual path of enlightenment. Once enlightened, you begin to understand yourself and the world with more appreciation.


Share the creative path

30 days after launching Stellar Inc, I collected everything I’d been working on in the previous year and created the 7 BIG TALK 30-DAY JOURNALS to help more people change their life and realign with their soul purpose.

Walking on both the creative path and the spiritual path isn’t easy, because it challenges you to look within and face your own limitations, so that you can break free from them.

Everything starts with you.

When one person changes for the better, the whole world changes for the better: the butterfly effect!

To commit to self-growth is to commit to positive change. An act of bravery in today’s rather negative world, a world that’s in desperate need of positive change.

When one person changes for the better, they inspire others to do the same. The butterfly effect in motion!

If you’re ready to reconnect with your Higher Self, remember your soul purpose and manifest your dream life, you’ve come to the right page. I look forward to sharing the creative path with you, one spiritual step at a time!


Creativity meets spirituality

Choose the creative path and sooner or later you’ll meet your Spiritual Self.


What does it mean?


The Y in the S honours my initials: Stella Yann (or Yanakieva by passport).

But there’s more to it!

The Y isn’t actually Y: it’s the symbol of the ancient rune called Algiz.

Algiz (“Elk”) is the rune of protection, Higher Self, ancient knowledge and spiritual connection.

So in a way the Y in the S symbolises that the spiritual knowledge isn’t lost, it’s returning to us!


The name Stellar Inc also has a double meaning.

Yes, Stellar Inc points to the magic of words when they are used to inspire and heal: it’s like writing with stellar ink!

The name Stellar Inc also pays tribute to Monsters Inc., one of my favourite animations.

It’s time to start co-creating a world that brings joy, not tears or trauma, to the future generations.


Purpose Driven Brand Strategy

Authentic Storytelling

Brand Positioning

Content Strategy


1-to-1 Career Coaching





Higher Self Integration

Soul Purpose

Spiritual Awakening

Spirit Message

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Your contribution will go towards making the world a place filled with more joy and creativity!