You are NOT your trauma.

Your trauma’s part of the Monarch programming.

The Monarch programming creates slaves to the system undetectably: you’re exposed to subliminal messaging from the day you’re born, conditioned to hate yourself.

You are conditioned to hate yourself to remain easy to control and manipulate!

It's all programming...

How does trauma work?

The mind is the most powerful tool that you have, which is why trauma targets the mind.


We live in a society that thrives on conditional love and that’s created a lot of our trauma, which in turn has resulted in dissociation and memory loss.


There are 5 key sectors that are part of the Monarch programming to successfully traumatise you to make sure you remain a “slave to the system”.


The good news is that trauma is not real, because none of this is real – you’re playing with your consciousness. Once you heal the trauma, you uncover your potential.


Childhood trauma and narcissism are linked, but not all childhood trauma results in narcissism and not all narcissism is due to childhood trauma!


Can self-growth help you reprogram your mind? Oh, yes!

Mental health resources

Click on an image to read more

8 Simple Rules to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

5 Ways Toxic People Will Trigger You

The Difference Between Inner Child Healing and Shadow Work

10 Signs You’re Going Through a Burnout Season

3 Types of People to Avoid If You're A Dreamer

Why Do We Feel Guilt When We’re Authentic

20 Signs Your Inner Child Needs Healing

Why We Settle In Relationships

Calm Your Nervous System With a Single Positive Affirmation

5 Ways You Are Conditioned to Hate Yourself

3 Signs Someone’s Emotionally Manipulating You

3 Types of People You Need In Your Life If You’re a Dreamer

The Book That Helped Me Free My Inner Child

Childhood Trauma Conditioning for High Performers

Imposter Syndrome: What Is It and How to Beat It

5 Things Journaling Can Help With

Turn Your Self-Growth Journey Into Play

10 Self-Love Lessons to Master


Channel your inner light while doing what you love.

Are you ready to show your true Self to the world? Let’s unlock the Lightworker that’s already within you!