Becoming a Lightworker: The 10 Missions

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What does it mean to lead with Light? Join me in becoming a Lightworker and discover the 10 missions!

The term “Lightworker” means someone who brings light or positivity into a dark or negative world: our world today. 

Lightworkers are here to bring positive change by reminding people that the power, the love and the wisdom they seek in the world is already within them. 

Lightworkers are here to remind you: The change you wish to see in the world starts with changing yourself ✨

This message is channeled from my Higher Self and my Spirit Team – a message that arrived at the start of my big spiritual awakening that has helped me ground a lot of complicated spiritual information down to Earth.

May you find more purpose, meaning and inspiration in this episode as you navigate your own journey of becoming a positive change maker, or you know, a Lightworker.


Here’s an overview of the 10 missions that Lightworkers are here to accomplish:

  1. Balance

  2. Positivity

  3. Unconditional Love

  4. Alchemy

  5. Creativity

  6. Justice

  7. Holistic Health

  8. Gratitude

  9. Ancient Wisdom

  10. New Earth Leadership

There’s a Lightworker in every single person on Earth. A Leader, a Teacher or a Business Owner who’s willing to do the work to channel more of their potential to serve humanity!


Are you tired of small talk? Me too. BIG SOULS bring big ideas down to Earth. Let’s plant some abundant seeds into the garden of your mind – join the big talk!

This is a podcast for abundance mindset.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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