5 Brand Slogans That Inspire Change In Real Time

Brand voice matters  💡 Not all change is positive!

The brand slogans that give us INSTANT feelings and a sense of URGENCY to act have cracked the code to creating SUPER FANS.

If you feel like a brand is talking directly to you, you are more likely to listen and engage with it.

If a brand has directly hit a pain point for you, you won’t even know that you’re listening and engaging with it!

These 5 brands are doing exactly that.

These 5 brands are empowering past, present and future customers without even having to directly talk to them because of the WORDS they are choosing to use.

Here’s how they’re using POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY to inspire and perhaps exploit at times by creating the perfect messaging!


What do most people lack the most when it comes to change? 

The willpower to get started!

Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” creates instant empowerment in a society that has the majority subdued, distracted and operating in autopilot.

While Nike can’t hold your hand every step of the way, it gives you the merchandise to be reminded of the importance of that first step to getting started: daily!

Success (or growth mindset) is a daily habit. 

“The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started.”
Dawson Trotman


If you look around, you’ll see a lot of followers and copycats, but few original thinkers who establish new trends. 

Apple’s slogan “Think Different” reminds you of the creative genius in you by delivering instant authenticity boost into your consciousness!

Yes, there’s creativity in everyone, but not everyone is using it. 

Creativity is in finding solutions to problems, paving new paths, making change in already established (often broken) systems. 

“The creative adult is the child who survived.”
Ursula Le Guin


Turn on the TV, scroll down any news website or check what’s going on in the world of politics: it’s grim! 

Any company that can offer you instant joy gives you a tremendous dopamine boost (even when you know it’s all a lie that’s gonna wear off quickly). 

People are desperate to FEEL and food is one of the fastest ways to FEEL positive emotions!

McDonalds’s slogan “I’m Lovin It” is a mastermind slogan that delivers on the promise of instant excitement, its food saturated with sugar and all kinds of addictive substances.

When you purchase at McDonalds, you know what you’re getting and you’re getting it every time — instant gratification and YOU LOVE IT. 

Does it do more damage than good? Absolutely. 

But in a world that’s starved for happiness, people would settle for a Happy Meal. 

“Once a man knows good from evil, nothing on earth can compel him to act against that knowledge.”


We have been conditioned to believe that taking a break is for the rich or for the losers. 

Think of our world as a post-Marxist society where the division of labour still exists, only now this division is what we call “work life balance” as if work is 50% and life is 50%.

In reality, life is 100% and work is just part of it! 

KitKat’s slogan “Take a Break” is less of a command and more of a permission, which in turn creates a sense of instant inner balance within you.

But make no mistake: either way, it’s not good for you. 

What you don’t realise is that after the sugar’s out of your system, you are still a slave to the capitalist society. 

“People who try hard to do the right thing always seem mad.”
Stephen King


The beauty industry is making money because it continues to repeat the same message all over again underneath the big marketing slogans:

 “You’re broken, you’re unlovable, you’re ugly, you’re unworthy of attention and love unless you’re perfect” 

It’s ironic — or perhaps sinister — that most brands use positive psychology to get you to buy products that are solving non-existent problems that actually become problems, because you’re using certain beauty products that damage your natural beauty or the natural processes of the body!

I think the right word is sinister.

L’Oréal’s slogan “You’re Worth It” gives consumers what they’re desperate to receive: recognition.

We all want to be seen, respected and valued for who we are, without any alterations to our authenticity. 

Real beauty’s on the inside! 

Real changes also happen on the inside!

As long as we live in a world that’s obsessed with appearances, the physical and the material, we’ll continue to live in The Bad Place. 


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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