10 Lessons from ‘Energize’ by Simon Alexander Ong

If you want to understand how to master your life, you must learn how to work with your energy! This book is designed to supercharge your impact on Earth by teaching you how to manage your energy better.

Everything is energy and the secret to living better is none other than energy management!

As Simon Alexander Ong writes:

“Energy is the universal language that communicates without words yet is still understood and felt by all”

This is an excellent book for anyone who’s a beginner at energy management and want to understand how to implement practical tips into their everyday routine.

Keep reading to learn more about the 10 lessons from ENERGIZE that will help you improve your life or watch the video above.

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If you’re lacking energy or want to learn more about how to optimise your lifestyle, the great reset starts with your energy.

“Your habit affect your energy.”

Energy is supposed to be in motion. So when you’re lacking energy, it’s the result of not doing enough or not doing enough of the right things.

Habits help you keep your energy in motion and there’s a set of healthy habits that you should add into your daily routine to help you boost your energy: exercising, sleep, regulated diet, like-minded connections and gratitude are some of the recommended


Without proper sleep, it doesn’t matter what you do throughout the day – you will always lack energy to complete all of your goals.

Sleep is a crucial habit that should not be ignored. That’s why Simon has included it at the beginning of his book!

In his words:

“Sleep is the foundation of our physical energy and contributes to our ability to live up to our potential by providing us with the fuel and focus that we need.”

There’s a useful exercise or framework that’s included in the book that goes like this:

  • 3 hours before bed – no more work

  • 2 hours before bed – no more food

  • 1 hour before bed – no more phone or devices


When you lack energy, you cannot show up as your greatest self at home, at work or in your community. One effective way to master your energy and channel more of your potential is through a regular fitness regime that reminds you to move daily.

“Exercise is energy management.”

Exercise helps us release any energetic blockages that are at the level of the body.

Sure, we may have energetic blocks on a mental or emotional level, but when it comes to the body – it really is as simple as “shaking it off”.

There’s no better way to shift your energy and reclaim your ownership over your schedule than through movement: quick workout, walk outside, run, dancing and even stretching.


Set the intention to have more energy and your Higher Self will guide you how to achieve it.

Simon Alexander Ong introduces a simple check-in that you can practice at the start of every day to help you set the right intention and increase your motivation:

“How good do I want to feel today?”

This question relates to both:

  • How good do I want to feel in my own body?

  • How good do I want to feel in my own life?

Your actions today have implications for the version you’ll become tomorrow. Choose your thoughts, actions and habits wisely!


If exercise helps you manage your energy better, the food you consume is the fuel that helps you have energy to work with! It’s your fuel.

“Your food is an energy source.”

What you consume will affect how you think, how fast you think and how adaptable you are in any room or situation you find yourself.

Remember the quote from Charles Darwin?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Fast food might help us blend in and fit in within the current corrupted society, but it is healthy food that’s going to help us adapt in the ever-changing flow of evolution and give us the best chances for survival and thriving during our lifetime.


Your habits are largely affected by your overall lifestyle: where you work, what are your peers doing, what’s your family status and so on.

We often think that because everyone else is participating in the “toxic rituals” of society that it’s OK to be part of the same lifestyle, but once when we take our distance from operating on autopilot that we realise we were always heading for a crash (e.g. burnout).

As Simon Alexander Ong writes:

“Overeating, indulging in heavily processed foods and drinking too much alcohol will affect more than just your weight. It will drain your energy and vitality.”

Our lifestyle is usually largely impacted by our childhood trauma and any invisible wounds that we are carrying on a mental or emotional level. We turn to a “toxic lifestyle” as a way to forget about our wounds, problems and fears. While we may be successful at first, inevitably we remember and have to face ourselves again.

Coping mechanisms allow us to escape our trauma and pretend we’re OK but they create energetic blocks.

This is a point that’s not really covered in the book, which is what I would have liked to see as part of the discussion around energy, but it is nonetheless a useful guide to shifting your energy as the starting point before you’re ready to look within and face the trauma, so you can heal it.


Sometimes what’s required for us to shift our energy isn’t doing more, but doing less!

The practice of gratitude allows us to shift negative thought patterns into positive and shift our energy on a level that goes beyond what’s visible (the physical level).

“Gratitude is energy management.”

When you’re not in the mood for exercise or you’ve already completed your daily workout, try doing a gratitude check-in and listing everything that’s brought joy to you during the day, and even the whole month or year!

Gratitude is a powerful practice that coupled with adjusting your sleep schedule, exercising regime and food diet will help you transform your life for the better.


What you believe in will sooner or later become your reality, because you will align your actions and habits around your belief system.

The good news is that you can shift your belief system with the power of your thoughts by consciously reconditioning your thought patters and strengthening your belief in your ability to accomplish anything.

Your inner narrative is the framework for your energy management!

As Simon writes:

“What we accomplish in life is only limited by the stories we tell ourselves, since they guide our actions and, in turn, our identity.”

The more we work to expand our mindset, the more we expand our energetic presence, which in turn helps us to “manifest” or “attract” our desired reality by becoming the person who is a perfect match to it (Law of Attraction in practice).

Go to 29:51 to discover a great Belief System Exercise to recondition your “monkey brain” into an abundant creature of habit that’s capable of doing the impossible!


We are the product of our society, yet it is who we become consciously that can affect the state of the world and change it for the better.

Here’s my favourite quote from the book:

“You weren’t born into this world to just pay bills, scroll through social media, reply to endless emails, watch TV and then die. You were born with unique talents and gifts. And it’s the greatest adventure of life to discover what these are and how you can share these with the world.”

The day you discover your purpose is the day you commit to change the status quo by being yourself, opposed to justifying your behaviour as a result of the society you live in.

Once you become purpose-driven, you transform the excuses into opportunities for growth and rise above your limitations for good.

Want to learn more about your purpose? Let’s work together to unlock your Earth instructions.


One of the points that not many people talk about is that your connections always affect your energy levels. You might be the healthiest person when it comes to your habits, but if you’re not surrounded by the “right” people who can grow side by side with you or who are moving in the same direction as you – they will become somewhat of “energy vampires” to your life as you’re trying to channel your potential and accomplish your purpose.

“People can boost or drain your energy.”

Shifting your life for the better will happen across all 4 levels: mind, body, heart and soul.

If you’re serious about getting better at energy management and doing more or experiencing more during your lifetime, sooner or later you will have to face yourself in the mirror and be honest about how you really feel and how you really want to feel.

As part of this process, you will also have to look around you and make the judgement call as to who can continue the journey with you and who belongs to a previous chapter of your life.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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