Evolution, Black Holes, Energy Manipulation on Earth

Time for positive change  🦋

What do Stephen Hawking and Charles Darwin have to do with what’s happening on Earth right now? A lot!

What you see on Earth today is the result of decades of:

  • information fabrication in the style of George Orwell's 1984

  • mind control tactics that include all the food we consume and all the mass media programming we're exposed to 24/7

  • a largely successfully smear campaign on all spirituality while those who rule the world currently use spiritual practices daily

  • fear-based conditioning to restore us to our "reptilian brain" and ways of being, thinking, acting - and of course a couple of secret societies to manage it all

Quantum physics isn't really that difficult to grasp, we're just not used to thinking about the Universe and the things that matter: that's all.

We've been conditioned to "worship" and "obsess over" celebrities, from local politicians and TV stars all the way to big sports names and Beyonce.

Why would you WILLINGLY choose to spend your LIMITED time on Earth WASTING your energy on other people?! ⏳🤯

You wouldn't!

You've been programmed to do so...


What do these 3 TV series have in common?

  1. Westworld

  2. The Good Place

  3. Stranger Things

They each portray a world that goes from bad to worse to worser until the main protagonists discover they are the heroes, the protectors of their world.

Why are these 3 shows so important?

Well, they show us exactly what’s happening on Earth right now:

  1. Westworld shows us how the Game of Life is being played and that we can all advance to the point of being fully in charge of our reality.

  2. The Good Place explains the rules of the School of Life and confirms that we are each capable of positive change and that self-growth is why we’re all here: to advance spiritually.

  3. Finally, Stranger Things prepares us for what’s to come and why we will save the day.

Wait… did the Elites create a Black Hole? They did a lot more than that!


Essentially a group of people – let's call them the Elites – wanted to find a way to keep themselves young forever. Since they couldn't do it, they thought they’ll attempt to reverse our spiritual growth and keep us in a spiritual coma, hence the spiritual warfare we’ve been experiencing for a while now 😵‍💫

This spiritual warfare is mind control: I’m talking about the Monarch Mind Control Project and the MK Ultra Mind Control Project.

The Elites cooked up this plan to mind control us to the point of restoring our “reptilian brain” and completely discard what Charles Darwin discovered to be one of the Natural Laws – evolution.

So the Elites decided to go against the Natural order of things by creating a society that is focused on the Material world, hence the 3D programming.

What they didn’t realise was that the energy they used to “time travel” or “reverse the river of time” would not only open a Black Hole but would also open a portal to the Underworld.

This is why the Great Mass Awakening is happening and why we’re transitioning into the New Earth.

We volunteered to come and fix this mess as a way to save Earth!


The Elites wanted to colonise Earth and make it a really dark place of oppression: picture the worst possible version of Westworld where women, more so than men, are just dolls that occasionally reproduce, so that the owners or the key players can continue to do despicable things to different bodies – that’s it. The truth is worse than the Handmaid’s Tale.

What actually happened in the process of all the brainwashing and mind control is that the Elites brainwashed their own puppets.

All of us have been exposed to mind control tactics from the day we were born, but those in Hollywood, in the entertainment industry and in governments around the world have gone through the worst brainwashing to make sure they never expose the truth and as a result they are empty shells at this point. 

“These violent delights have violent ends,” as Dolores famously said in Westworld.

To understand the violence on Earth and the motives behind those creating it, you need to think of them as players who choose families that have been playing the game for many years to ensure that they get to have a “taste of the violence” too – these families are also known as the Elites. 

And some of the Elites have created these clubs around the world to maintain a network of players who will manage the suppression locally.

These clubs are known as the Illuminati or Freemasons and they’re secret societies in the sense that they’re happening secretly but the truth is they don’t even know what they’re doing half of the time, they’re mostly following orders blindly to preserve the status quo, because they’ve been told “change is bad”.

What the Elites don’t understand or they’re trying to completely delete it as the truth is that the School of Life is always happening simultaneously with the Game of Life when you come to Earth.

You come to play the game to learn how to manipulate energy. Everything’s energy and yes you can manifest just by playing the game but that has consequences in the long run to the fabric of the Universe, which is why we are where we are today.

You come to play the game to learn how to manipulate energy, but it is only through learning in and graduating from the School of Life that you're able to understand why you came here, so that are no longer manipulating energy just for 3D delights (money, guns, violence, sex) but also to accomplish your soul purpose and create positive change.


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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