3 Ways Music Shapes Your Belief System
Music is one of the most powerful tools to change your life by changing your inner state of being: the state of your (sub)consciousness.
Music affects you whether you realise it or not.
What’s on your playlist can empower you or disempower you: here are 3 ways to test the quality of the songs you listen to daily!
The frequency of the music you listen to will either raise your own frequency or lower it below your current level.
Most pop culture music is designed to lower the frequency of your consciousness to keep you easy to control and manipulate through the messaging on TV, mass media, marketing, etc.
When you’re operating in a lower state of frequency, you’re more likely to be influenced in your buying choices. This is one reason you end up buying stuff you don’t need — what music are you most likely to hear in superstores and bars and restaurants? Yup, pop culture music!
Image: David R Hawkins
And while the frequency scale of consciousness gives you an idea of your own emotions, here is how music frequencies match those of our inner emotional state.
The standard frequency for pop culture music is 440Hz which is somewhere between the Sacral Chakra (the energy centre for pleasure, sensuality and creativity) and the Solar Plexus Chakra (the energy centre for confidence, willpower and leadership).
Most music does not reach the energetic frequency of our hearts.
We are kept in our minds, much like Hamlet: “To be or not to be?”, “To act or not to act?”
We have become slaves to love, but never quite open enough to give and receive love in a healthy way.
Music plays a huge role in creating this condition in our society!
Think about what most pop culture songs are about?
Most hit songs are about the same thing: keeping us in a state of misery. Or as Katy Perry once sang, we are programmed to be chained to the rhythm!
The lyrics of the songs you listen to get embedded in your mind as if they’re own thoughts, because every time you read or hear words, you are in a way “processing” them in order to register and understand them.
Think of your mind as a super complex computer.
Every piece of information you come across, whether that’s through music, movies, books, people or signs, needs to get “processed” by your mind computer for you to be able to analyse it and work with it.
The lyrics of songs are a convenient way to get people “under a spell”.
You create a catchy melody and insert a couple of easy to remember lines that trigger your childhood trauma: voila, you’ve got yourself a best-selling song that’s going to be on every mass media platform!
Where’s the real harm?
Your mind is repeating sentences like:
“I am heartbroken”
“I am all alone”
“I am the worst”
Every sentence that your mind processes becomes adopted as part of your own library of knowledge.
Listen to a song about being heartbroken a 100 times and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy!
We are walking, talking, acting manifestations of our own belief system.
This is why POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS work, too.
Everything your mind processes becomes true when you start to believe it!
The last element of pop culture’s strategy to “brainwash” is, of course, the visuals they use for their songs.
They are highly sexualised to keep you in a state of lust, so that you will sexually objectify every person you come in touch with: even those in your own family.
The purpose of this is to keep us all under the control of the Monarch Mind Control Programming: the CIA’s project to create childhood trauma.
Once you see it, you cannot unsee it — but that’s good. You’re one step closer to full recovery from the 3D programming you’ve been exposed to your whole life and in doing so reclaiming your own freedom of choice and ability to create the life of your dreams!
The video to SIA’s song “Chandelier” really is a message to OPEN YOUR EYES, because if you think the hyper-sexualisation of young women is the end of this mind control strategy, you’re wrong. The kids are next!