What is Destiny Swapping?

Time for positive change  🦋

Have you heard of DESTINY SWAPPING? Oh, the Elites love it!*

The best kept secret of the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY – they steal and swap destinies.

The Devil doesn’t have to lift a finger.

He sends his monitoring PSYCHICS on a “treasure hunt” to track the gifted Souls who enter THE MATRIX – I mean, the WORLD – and when they find them, they do their best to suppress their gifts for as long as they can, so that they remain lost in the 3D programming and never claim what’s rightfully theirs.

Let me make this point clear: WE ALL HAVE SPIRITUAL GIFTS that have been suppressed for years, so that when you come here on Earth, you do essentially nothing with your life and LIFE ON EARTH DOESN’T CHANGE….

Well actually it doesn’t change for the average human but it becomes a greater place for the rich, the elites, the ones who continue to steal destinies like it’s their favourite hobby in the world!

*Update 5/4/2024: You might have been following the news around Jennifer Lopez as to how she has been “stealing" the voices of artists around her and pretending to be someone that she’s not – this is an example of stealing someone’s destiny. Using their talents to benefit and claim the success as yours! That’s how the Entertainment industry has been operating for a long time but 2024 is one of the pivotal years for many lies to come to light. As for the Elites that control the world – the manipulation happens at a much higher and more sinister level that will continue to be exposed one breaking story at a time until we accomplish world peace because this state of war is unnatural and destroying the Natural world.


When you’re born, you get a natal birth chart 👶🏻

It LITERALLY comes with instructions as to what you were born to do in your lifetime, including what MONTHS and YEARS are going to be KEY for your success. It also includes information about your existing knowledge and skills, upcoming opportunities and partnerships, and what you’re here to learn and create.

This is where the Entertainment industry comes into the picture!

They’ve got their own arsenal of very talented psychic readers with all kinds of spiritual gifts to guide them, BUT of course it’s in their interest that THE MEDIA and THE PRESS makes fun of spirituality, so that they can continue to GATEKEEP all the information and control

You’ve got spiritually advanced people employed by the entertainment industry (the Elites, the government, the military, the rich monopoly) hacking into your records to make sure that:

  • you never REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE


  • you COMPLETELY ABANDON what missions you CAME HERE TO ACCOMPLISH (how would you accomplish them if you don’t remember them)

Now if I had to make an educated guess, I’d say the entertainment industry is working not only with the media to create a false image of spirituality, but also with the education system, so that they can track and discover the “rising stars” as they’re growing up and “kill the spark” of those that are NOT EASY TO CONTROL, so that they can promote the ones who will OBEY THEIR RULES.

Why? Power, of course! Power, control and money.

Want to learn more about their tactics to keep us asleep? I’ll save you the search time, click to download the Monarch Mind Control Project PDF.


I recently recorded another video on the topic of destiny swapping that can affect you once again on a spiritual level but through the people in your life who are seemingly “activated” to monitor you, track your progress and even try to turn themselves into the “main characters” within your own life.

Watch it below:

To sum up the video, DESTINY SWAPPING means that your Higher Self integration has been disabled – one day you wake up trapped in the 3D world having lost access to an integral part of yourself, your own consciousness!


The moment you remember is game over for the "attackers"...

Whether you abandon your soul purpose overnight or this is done by slowly "poisoning" your inner world, you gradually lose your spark and shift your unique energetic signature (that's how people take over your spiritual gifts and inheritance).

There are 2 main ways this can happen:

  1. Narcissist target you and decide to "swap" destinies with you by stealing your character and spreading rumours about you among friends and family, so that people don't see you for the beautiful Soul that you are!

  2. Groups, cults or covens target you because they have already seen into your "future" – through reading your natal birth chart known as your Earth instructions or through accessing the Akashic records where you can do a preview of what the future looks like when granted permission.

Option 1 wears off sooner or later, because the Narcissist can't wear the mask forever. Once people begin to see through the false image they have created, it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out!

Option 2 is a little bit trickier! While it is true that you can "time travel" to see into the future, there are limitations to what you can see about any individual on Earth.

Let's say your Spirit Team allows a specific group of Karmic family members or Dark witches access your "highest timelines" – if you are here as a Divine Messenger who's on a mission to bring justice or peace to Earth – they will NEVER show them the whole story and they will 100% hide the important disclaimer that you are NOT to be messed with, because there will be consequences.

The people who are currently going through their SPIRITUAL AWAKENING or SPIRITUAL ASCENSION season are the Wayshowers. We have come here to be the first wave of many more to come that "ground" the puzzle pieces needed to create more of the New Earth that we desire to create and experience – Earth that is abundant and peaceful & exists in unity.

There have been many more waves of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Divine Messengers and Earth Angels before us, but we are here to restore the ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE and rewrite history for the next generation to continue the work of innovation and collaboration 🧩🌍🕊

I have referenced the animated movie WISH because if you watch it till the end you will discover how "destroying one's wish" affects their mental and physical well-being – and this is a great symbol of what happens when someone swaps destinies with you. They steal your Light, because they derail you from your path or your North Star, which can be felt right away, even if you cannot find words for it at first!


Those that go against innocent people cannot really hide their actions: there’s always a message, an email, a screenshot, an image, a recording, a witness.

Because those that attack innocent people like to brag about it, that’s how they get a sense of pride, recognition, entitlement, power, even if it’s short-lived.

The truth always comes to light!

Even if you’re not ready for the day, it cannot always be night.

Let there be Light and the Lightworkers appeared 👋🏻


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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