Spiritual Awakening: Peace Is The Mission

To all the Lightworkers, Starseeds, Earth Angels, Healers, Alchemists, Leaders here to bring positive change:


If you are stepping into your purpose and gaining following, remember that it is your responsibility to show A NEW WAY of doing things. 

Everything you say and do matters more than ever now! 

Authenticity is important (the most important factor), but think twice before you CREATE and POST. 

You are not the number of followers, likes or comments. 

You are the person, the Soul, the consciousness, the Leader.

You have been tasked with educating people and leading them towards enlightenment. Share the messages that your Higher Self is guiding you to share, not the messages that would “trend on social media”. 

Bring the attention back to your viewers, the people you’re trying to help, not to yourself — we’re trying to break free from the “worship” model. 

There is no worshipping that ends in equal exchange and real transformation. 

Simply think of all the celebrities who wish to have people worship them, so they can harvest their energy. 

You are not here to harvest other people’s energy, you’re here to remind them to preserve their energy and use it for good. 

Keep exposing the truth, but don’t be bitter, because bitterness turns into resentment.

You are here to share your love and purify other people’s hearts through your expression of love. 

Those who don’t believe that one can preserve their heart full of love in the face of anger, hate, fear, chaos and destruction need to see what HOPE AND FAITH look like, so that they can return to their own Higher Self, because that’s where all the answers are — within! 

We all have access to the same information, but not all of us can make the journey home on their own: it is now your responsibility to lead those who are ready to embark on the journey to spiritual ascension. 


To all the viewers who follow Lightworkers and people who are channeling messages, pay attention to your state of mind and your energy after you engage with the content: keep in mind that the system will try to raise the image of False Prophets so they can control the narrative — a narrative that’s outside of their control, because it’s coming from the Most High. 

Earth Angels, Starseeds and Ancient Souls committed to positive change will never seek revenge or ask you to seek revenge: they will encourage you to stand in your power, stand in your truth, set healthy boundaries to protect your inner peace, follow your heart and be a messenger of love. 

And that’s the one thing the system doesn’t want you to do: understand that we are all ONE and there’s no war that’s gonna end all wars. 

Peace is the mission!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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