5 Gifts You Unlock After A Spiritual Awakening

Time for positive change  🦋

Your spiritual awakening is very much dependent on your Higher Self and it will be triggered when it’s time to wake up. 

In the beginning, everything will be confusing and you will feel like you’re losing your mind: this is normal. 

This is you effectively losing your “3D mind”, so that you can reconnect with your “5D consciousness” where there are endless possibilities to create the life of your dreams and accomplish your soul purpose!

To help you accomplish what you came here to do on Earth, you will be given different gifts that may be heightened during specific phases of your life.

Every gift you unlock as part of your spiritual awakening is given to you, so that you can use it to help fellow human beings on their ascension journey.

Here are 5 of the most common spiritual gifts that each of us are capable of and you might have already unlocked some of them without knowing!


When the Universe begins to communicate with you through music, you have unlocked the gift of clairaudience.

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist captures the gift of clairaudience perfectly!

How does clairaudience work?

  • You might hear songs around people and understand what they’re battling on the inside, so that you can help them go through it by being a supportive listener or giving them guidance in the right direction. It’s essential that you do not force people to learn their lessons before they are ready to do so: a great teacher guides and supervises, they do not hand the answers or do the work on behalf of their students.

  • You might hear songs out of the blue and then see an image of a person you know. This could indicate they are thinking of you and there’s a message they’re sending you through the song, or the song might be coming from your own subconsciousness as a nudge to work through an emotional blockage.

  • You might hear songs in relation to a situation you’re trying to figure out that contains clues how to solve it!


If you are given glimpses of the past, future or parallel timelines, you have unlocked the ability of claircognizance and you are most likely here to break some sort of challenging cycle that has been causing suffering for many years (and even generations).

Wednesday portrays the gift of claircognizance quite truthfully: it is a gift, but it comes with heavy responsibilities.

How does claircognizance work?

  • You might suddenly see a flashback of a memory that is not yours, but you know who it belongs to and you’re given a glimpse of this person’s past or future, so that you can assist them in their journey better: sometimes all that is asked of you is to show them compassion that they’ve never seen before.

  • You might be given a preview of the future if you don’t change your lifestyle or if all of humanity doesn’t change for the better. I’m not saying I’ve seen the worst case scenario, but it does get grimmer if we don’t start to show up for each other with more kindness and love!

  • You might unlock memories from your childhood, parallel timelines or even past lives to help you gather clues how to accomplish your soul purpose in your lifetime. 


The gift of most — if not all, creative people is clairvoyance. This is the gift of creative vision! 

The “Aha” moment everyone is waiting to receive comes easy to people who have unlocked the gift of clairvoyance. All they need to do is ask the Universe and the Universe delivers a series of ideas in seconds!

Matilda is an example of a highly intuitive child who’s unlocked the gift of clairvoyance and relies on the guidance of the Universe because she’s growing up in a family who’s not spiritually advanced.

How does it work?

  • You might receive an idea that you can use to present at work or to apply in your personal life, so that you can advance your skills, understanding or connection with others.

  • You might be given intuitive guidance to purchase a book, study a subject or go to a location through a mental image, social media ad that captures your attention and even a recommendation from a friend that seems to be “significant”. 

  • You might be tasked with a specific vision that only you can accomplish based on your current circumstances, talents and abilities, so that you can simultaneously create a difference in your life and in other people’s lives by setting a positive example.


Those who are able to feel the pain are the ones who are able to heal it.

The people gifted with clairsentience are also known as Empaths and they are able to feel emotions that others suppress to the point of emotional burnout.

Some are naturally born with the gift of clairsentience, others unlock it if they’ve mastered emotional intelligence or if their soul path requires them to use that gift to fulfill their purpose on Earth.

Lucifer gives a great example of the power of reading one’s emotions and how we can heal the deepest wounds when we are ready to face the pain of what caused them: whether that was betrayal, disappointment, heartbreak, abandonment, rejection or death.

What’s interesting about this example is that in the show Lucifer is portrayed as the one who can “read everyone’s desires or emotions” and ironically he cannot understand himself.

Sometimes the person who can offer us the greatest insight is the one who is completely removed from our own circumstances: hence, why therapy and mental health assistance is so effective in “opening up” and finding the “space to heal”. 

We cannot heal until we acknowledge the truth and how we feel about it. Until we heal, we will remain stuck in our own Hell, reliving the trauma of the past — a purgatory that’s not designed to torture you, but to help your Soul advance in its understanding and belonging in the Universe.

How does clairsentience work?

  • You might feel a shift in your emotional state while being around certain people. This is guiding you to “read their emotions” and be a “temporary container” for the emotions that might be too heavy for them to process, so you heal them by experiencing them as your own. One useful way to help people heal is to engage them in a conversation that’s moving in the direction of addressing the root of the problem, or you can bring positivity into their dark experience to help them balance their emotions.

  • You might experience an emotion out of the blue and think of someone in your life. This will give you an indication of how they’re feeling about you or assist you in understanding a clue about them that you’ve picked up on a subconscious level. Nothing’s random, stay open to receiving guidance from your Higher Self.

  • You might experience great emotional highs and lows as part of your introduction to the “spectrum of emotions”, so that you can understand yourself and others better. This is not to punish you or drive you crazy, but to offer you a much richer perspective of what’s it like to be human: it’s colourful!


While this is a gift with less intensity and pizzaz, it is one that can make a lot of people happy and grateful for the present moment!

There’s no better scene to demonstrate the gift of clairgustance than this famous tasting scene from Ratatouille.

The most talented chefs in the world don’t need cookbooks. They listen to their intuition and allow their senses to guide them towards creating the next big tasty trend!

Have you ever been spontaneous in the kitchen and it was a success? 

Well, you might have unlocked the gift of clairgustance!


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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