10 Lessons from THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

THINK AND GROW RICH is not a book about financial literacy. It’s a book about your consciousness, your mindset and reprogramming your subconscious mind for more abundance!

I was surprised to discover that at its core, THINK AND GROW RICH is largely a spiritual book – a book that acknowledges that we are spiritual beings living a human experience!

Napoleon Hill writes about energy, faith, Law of Attraction, visualisation, destiny and reprogramming your subconscious mind, to name a few of the concepts!

Much like Rhonda Byrne's 'The Secret', THINK AND GROW RICH sends out a clear message...

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

How? By first knowing what you WANT!

There are many lessons that you’ll find in THINK AND GROW RICH, but here are the 10 lessons I’ve picked to help you on your journey to living more abundantly.

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Your belief system will define your approach to success.

If you’ve been conditioned to believe that ONLY hard work will get you to succeed, then you will show up for the work and work tirelessly every single day.

Your belief system thinks “This is the only way I can succeed in life”.

But we’re human BEINGS, not human machines and our limiting beliefs have been manifesting as burnout culture for a long time now: living in a constant state of stress and anxiety.

There’s another way. Napoleon Hill is reminding you that changing your thoughts is bound to change your reality!

When you change your thoughts for the better, you will also change your reality for the better!


There’s energy attached to the “level” or “quality” of your thoughts.

The more you can maintain an inner state of mind that is abundant, the more you will operate with abundant energy, which can and will be translated into financial abundance in the 3D world.


What is it that you desire to embody? What’s the experience you’d like to go through when you wake up every single day? What’s the energetic presence you embody?

Your desire has a lot more to do than just acquiring:

  • smart devices

  • cars

  • properties

Your desire is linked to the positive change you’d like to bring forth too!

The more you act in alignment with your desire to LEAD that change – be it in the role of an impactful Business Founder and Entrepreneur or as an awesome Team Member and Colleague – DESIRE here has to do with the act of co-creation.

You need to get submerged into your DESIRE for change and make it your identity, so that you can “manifest” it into being.

This is the act of co-creating with the Universe!


There are tools like your “Earth instructions” (your natal birth chart) that can help you unlock more information about your soul purpose.

But there’s no better way to discover your purpose than to LOOK WITHIN!

What are you passionate about? What excites you to be alive?

That’s the key that unlocks your purpose, your mission, your North Star.

Once again, your purpose is not necessarily connected to launching your own business or your own brand, but to know what industry you’d like to channel your talents, knowledge and skills.

It’s about following that INNER DRIVE to release more of your limitless potential and trusting where it’s taking you.

Check out BORN TO DO IT: Find Your Purpose – a podcast about the positive change makers around us.


The most successful people on Earth are those who have accepted that defeat is part of the process and so they have not allowed their temporary conditions to disempower them from PURSUING THEIR DREAMS.

You have a vision for the life you wish to create and experience for a reason.

Your consciousness already knows what type of “research” it needs in order to advance your “inner library” — yes, your consciousness is like a database of information and what you accomplish during your lifetime gets “saved” in that database!

You are a spiritual being having a human experience, which means the more you believe in the IMPOSSIBLE, the more you get to achieve it.


Are you a PRACTICAL dreamer? Great!

To be a practical dreamer means to acknowledge you have BIG GOALS and then take the accountability for “grounding them to Earth” by:

  • making plans

  • creating a strategy

  • testing out different solutions

  • experimenting with your approach

  • collecting feedback

  • delegating some of the tasks

  • collaborating with like-minded individuals

You have a vision and it is YOURS for a reason, but you don’t have to do it alone.

You have been given the vision, so that you can preserve it, advance it and then share it with your Soul Tribe!

Your vision is likely going to benefit a whole community, not just your life.


Faith is a product of your belief system.

Your belief system is your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is closely linked to your Inner Child and the early years of your life.

When you take the time to recondition or reprogram your subconscious mind, you are able to “mature” your consciousness by doing the inner work. That’s the work of the Inner Child healing – uprooting the limiting beliefs and returning back to your passion for life, reclaiming some of your power that was lost in the process of living.

Faith is the force with which you go through the seasons of loss, failure and defeat without losing your positive, abundant Spirit!


This might be one of the most important points of the book.

You have the power to select the thoughts you repeat and believe in – use it!

Yes, the people around you will have an opinion and often that opinion won’t be supportive (even friends and family might turn against you when you pursue your ambitions), but you still have a choice to listen to them and believe them, or NOT.

Decide what kind of life you wish to live and then start working on it!

Here are some tips that might be crucial for your success:

  • DO NOT share your plans with anyone once the vision has been revealed to you.

  • It’s important that you MOVE IN SILENCE in the beginning of your journey.

  • Keep your DREAMS AND GOALS to yourself until you have something to share with others!

  • DO NOT be discouraged if people around you are not happy when you begin to succeed – they are still adjusting to you UP-LEVELING in the Game of Life and making peace with their own decisions not to pursue their own dreams + goals.

Let your decision to live abundantly lead your daily approach to life.

Let your abundance then redefine the way others lead their life as you begin to receive recognition for your success!


You have access to both the SUCCESS and the POVERTY consciousness. Let’s dive right into this one…

Here’s a quick exercise for you:

Examine your thoughts, your routine and your habits to figure out which one you’ve been aligned with in the past month?

There are many stories of people around us who have achieved BIG success with limited resources and also many stories of people who are unable to accomplish anything of significance even with A LOT of resources.

Success starts with your mindset, with your consciousness.

The richest people on Earth are those that continue to learn!

The more you invest in your self-growth, the more abundant your life will be. It’s as simple as that!

Don’t forget to apply the knowledge — that’s important too.


The time is almost never right. To grow, advance and succeed is to understand that you will have to be a beginner as frequently as, well, every day!

Are you comfortable with challenging yourself? Are you ready to do something that scares you that could lead you to the life you desire to experience?

  1. Growth mindset is the ability to enter “scary” situations knowing that it is precisely there where the opportunity for your success can be found.

  2. Abundance mindset is the understanding that we are all humans and therefore we are all equal, which means we can all teach one another something.

Using 1 + 2 is a useful way to approach unfamiliar situations where you’re the beginner: you too have something to give to the world and it is your BELIEF in yourself that will help you accomplish that mission.

Your authenticity is your superpower, especially when it’s coupled with your vision for success!


Your ideas are the start of a lifelong journey of achievement, discovery, sharing, connecting and even traveling the world.

The more you unlock your potential, the more you’ll be tasked with sharing it with the rest of the world – in your community or across multiple countries!

To live abundantly is to learn how to share and co-create with others.

Remember that when you started the journey you wanted to change the world for the better and now that you have made it to the point where you have become that conscious leader who brings positive change, you’re a role model other look up to, so treat your new role with grace and gratitude!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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