

There are cities I’ve visited that felt like I’ve known them my whole life from the moment I set foot on their streets. Cities so familiar, even though I’d never visited them before.

Do you know the feeling?

Some people feel like that, too.

Strangers that feel like home from the first greeting, eye contact or the first embrace.

These are random people – and places – that are part of our story, even if we don’t get it with our logical brain, but we “get” it with our heart and soul.

Everyone’s a stranger until they become a friend, I suppose. But some strangers are meant to be our friends more than others.

Every city has potential to give us the adventure our heart craves. But some cities have more magic than others, magic to be found in the most trivial of things – the lights, the trees, the markets, the shops, even the breeze.

You can’t explain it, but you’re drawn to some cities (or people) more than others. You want to keep coming back, because you’ve found a place where you belong, without having to explain or prove yourself. You are simply being yourself and the city embraces you just as you are.

If you have a random place in your life that feels like home, think about these 5 questions:

  • What makes this place so special?

  • Why would you recommend it to a friend?

  • What’s your best memory there?

  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to do there that you still haven’t had a chance to complete yet?

  • Did you meet someone special there?

Here’s the thing.

When we find something or someone special, we want to hold on to them for as long as we can. But over time our relationships with people and places change. It’s important to learn to go with the flow and release what is no longer serving us, so that we can welcome new opportunities and experiences.

When we carry the weight of bringing the past with us wherever we go (and this includes past versions of people or our relationships with them), we can’t fully appreciate or even be in the present moment.

Perhaps the reason we feel so connected with some people and places is because we were entirely in the present moment when we met, which in turn created a stronger bond with them.

What we pay attention to and invest our time in is what we become.

What if I told you that you haven’t met even half of the people (or places) that are meant to change your life for good? You’d probably re-think your lifestyle a little bit.

Remember that the world’s a big and glorious place waiting for you to explore it.



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



