When we recognise how much abundance is already around us and within us, the urge to seek more, chase more and become more disappears.
We realise we are free.
Free to be ourselves. Free to experience life as it is. Free to let go of old stories and attitudes. Free to fully connect with others. Free to attract more of the right people and experiences into our reality.
Because the world’s a mirror of who we are.
If we feel unbalanced, we will attract more situations that make us feel unbalanced (mostly because we are unable set boundaries that work in our favour).
If we operate with lack mindset, we will experience more losses or at least it will appear that way to us, because that’s what we are focused on (it’s what we believe).
If we are full of gratitude and joy, however, we will bring into our reality more opportunities that match or strengthen our high vibrational energy.
Gratitude is grounding. It helps you come back to the present moment and appreciate your journey so far.
Gratitude is acceptance. It heals the disappointments and opens your eyes to the lessons that came as a result of all the turbulence.
Try practicing gratitude and comparing yourself to someone else at the same time. It’s kinda difficult, isn’t it?
Gratitude transforms the lack mindset into growth mindset in seconds.
The question is how do you practice gratitude?
Here are 5 gratitude ideas you can try:
Journal daily or weekly about everything and everyone you are grateful for. This could be as small as your lunch and as big as meeting the love of your life.
Say “Thank you” to all the people in your life who are making a difference. This could be your family, your friends, your colleagues, your mentors and even the barista who prepared your coffee this morning.
Meditate with gratitude as your focus by directing your thoughts about experiences, people, emotions, places and even possessions you’re grateful for. Simply listing everything in your mind with your eyes closed can generate a strong sense of peace and completion.
Speak your gratitude into the world as you go about your day, in your head or out loud. There’s so much to see and appreciate around us – especially nature, plants and animals. Go out for a walk and feel the connection with all living things.
Reflect on your progress by going through each big milestone and small win with a sense of gratitude. Be proud of yourself. You achieve a lot every single day, you deserve to give yourself more recognition as you step into a mindset of more abundance.