When we have trust issues, it’s because we have experienced emotional loss in the past and we don’t want to get hurt again.
Naturally after every big disappointment, we strengthen the great wall of protection around us called BOUNDARIES.
But along with the wall of boundaries, there’s another invisible wall that we don’t even realise is there until we self-sabotage something that never intended to hurt us in the first place.
What’s the second wall of protection called?
You can call it EGO for short, but in reality it’s made up of attachments to all painful emotions linked to your inner child, inner teenager and shadow self that simply need acknowledging and releasing.
The second protective wall that surrounds our ability to trust and openly express ourselves becomes the very thing that blocks us from truly enjoying the present moment.
And if you’re not enjoying the present moment, then you’re choosing (or allowing yourself) to suffer.
If you have great boundaries in place, it’s now up to you to break down the second wall that’s stopping you from authentically showing up and connecting with others.