

Some days you feel like you’re on top of the world. Soaring, roaring, alive in every sense!

Other days you wake up defeated. Out of balance, out of energy, unmotivated.

It’s easy to feel capable of anything on the good days, but how do you summon your own strength in the bad days?

Do you “fake it until you make it”? Or do you accept that some days are bound to feel suboptimal? And do you make peace with the knowing that it’s all part of the journey and you will make up for the bad days in the good days when you feel like a Queen or a King?

Sometimes the hardest battle is with ourselves.

We feel like we should be someplace or be someone by a certain time (expectations). Or we think we should have more of this and less of that than a certain person (comparisons). When in reality everyone’s journey is different (facts).

My advice to you (and to myself) is simple.

When you wake up defeated, instead of forcing yourself to “be strong”, ask yourself:

  • What emotions have I been suppressing?

  • What is this trying to teach me?

  • Why am I not allowing myself more rest time?

Some days the “fake it till you make it” strategy will help you. But if you’re committed to self-growth and becoming the best version of yourself, you will need to learn how to sit with the heavy emotions as much as you enjoy sitting with the heavy thinking and planning.

Unlike thoughts, emotions have a much stronger pull. The more you ignore them, the stronger they get. Until you can ignore them no more, because they ground you into a life pause, so that you can do a proper internal emotional review.

Strength lies in the vulnerability to embrace your authentic self just as you are, just as you think and feel. There’s no limit to the strength you can discover within as long as you remain open to experiencing life as it is. No judgement, no hate, no fear.

Remember the intro to N.E.R.D., Pharell & Rihanna’s song Lemon? “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



