

Every time you dream, your subconsciousness is trying to communicate with you.

From dreams of flying or losing your teeth to being chased by strangers and overcoming the impossible scenarios, there are themes around the vivid dreams we experience that can help us understand the message.

Just like in life, when we try to interpret a dream, we must look at the bigger picture.

In other words, just because you dream of a particular person, it doesn’t mean that your dream has anything to do with them.

Is this person from your past or someone you’re connected to now? Where and when did you first meet? What kind of relationship do you have with this person, e.g. professional, personal, formal, informal? How did the interactions in the dream make you feel?

Our dreams try to direct us towards unresolved conflicts that are stored in us. These could have happened a long time ago (dreaming of high school friends), or a really, really long time ago (dreaming of childhood friends), or they might be recent (dreaming of a colleague).

Unfortunately, our subconsciousness cannot simply give us a lecture with “You must fix X” or “You need to do Z” tips. But it will send us a lot of visual prompts to get us thinking in the right direction.

So next time you get a vivid dream, write down everything you remember about it when you wake up and see if you can figure out what some of the clues mean!

Heraclitus said it best, “Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.”

The work never stops, so we must make intentional pauses with deep rest whenever we can.



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



