

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been consumed by philosophical thoughts. What is the meaning of life? Why are there 24 hours in the day? What if there were more or less? More importantly, how are people on the TV so knowledgable about everything and anything?

Little did I know at the time that most of TV is scripted…

But the question is what got your full attention when you were a kid?

Perhaps you were obsessed with DIY projects and deconstructing the kitchen? Or thrilled about chasing animals and discovering what lives out in nature? Or maybe your passion was sports and you used every opportunity to be outside playing – basketball, football, tennis, you name it…

And my follow-up question: are you still consumed by the same things that got you excited as a kid? If not, why not?!

Sometimes we give up on the interests or hobbies that make us happy because we want to fit in a particular group that doesn’t get the same attraction to whatever gets us excited.

Other times we are told (either by family members or friends) not to pursue our passion and turn it into a full-time profession precisely because it’s “just” an interest or a hobby.

But here’s the thing – where our attention goes that’s where our energy goes.

So if you spend a lot of time investing your attention into something that doesn’t make you happy, your energy is bound to get depleted pretty fast.

And what happens when you direct your attention towards activities that rely on your passion? You return on investment doubles! Yes, I’m talking about energy, but money comes too in the long run.

The people who make a difference in the world are those who follow their heart, who trust the passion that burns bright in their soul, who build their habits around their inner drive.

And if you’ve got an interest or a hobby that puzzles others, let them be puzzled. There are plenty of people out in the world who are waiting for you to innovate using your passion!



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



