

When we’re kids, everything is an opportunity for adventure. Jumping in puddles, dancing in the rain, running for no obvious reason, making animal sounds, crawling instead of walking, and doing all kinds of silly faces.

See how much movement is involved in all of those actions?

And then we grow up. We stand still for longer, but the chaos of the outer world still gets to us. Because kids understand, on a deeper level, it is movement that helps us channel some of the heavier emotions out of our body, so that we can regulate the nervous system.

Yes, going to the gym brings that movement back, but is it an adventure? That’s up to you.

Remember this scene where Bilbo Baggins decides to follow the call and jump into a timeline full of adventures?

There’s an adventurer in everyone of us.

Adventure doesn’t have to be expensive.

Adventure doesn’t have to involve a large group (of hobbits or dwarves).

Adventure doesn’t have to be pre-planned.

You can decide in the middle of the day, “I’m going on an adventure.”

How do I pick my adventure?

Your adventure could be about doing what made you happy as a kid. Or trying something that you were never allowed to do as a kid. Or doing something silly with your own kids.

What’s in it for me?

Adopting this adventure mindset will allow you to express yourself fully, release any blocked emotions and feel the joy of being alive.

How often should I go on adventures?

Make no mistake – adventures will challenge you too. The question is do you want to repeat the same day 365 days of the year, or would you rather experience the abundance of a whole year packed in a single day (every day)? It’s okay to take a balanced approach. But when you find yourself stuck in a rut, it’s time to transform the trivial into a series of adventures.



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



