

Bringing order to our environment makes it easy to complete one task and continue to the next one. Therefore, designing our space in a way that gives us a sense of direction at all times can bring extraordinary results to our overall life satisfaction.

The problem is this is not a one-time job and you’re set for life, it’s a habit that you need to practice regularly to maintain your space clean, organised and fun to be around.

When I say space, I am talking about your living, working or creative space (which might be the exact same space, especially if you’re working from home).

And the biggest obstacle to having your space in optimum condition for working productively or simply living peacefully is the clutter that naturally happens over time.

So how often do you declutter your space?

If you take a look around you, do you spot items that you do not need to see daily in order to be at your best? Also, are there items that are currently hidden that might actually help you be more inspired and motivated if you saw them every single day?

The point of optimising our space is to maximise our chances for succeeding, whatever our pursuits might be.

Once you declutter your visible space, I guarantee you that you will feel a shift in the energy around you – just by removing all the unnecessary items that are constantly stimulating your senses on a subconscious level and therefore distracting you.

What you pay attention to is where your energy goes. If you streamline where your attention should go, you will start using / investing your energy smarter.



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



