10 Positive Affirmations for a Balanced Life

From “I got this” to “This too shall pass”, positive affirmations help us to return to the present moment and feel more in control of our life.

Every day we experience somewhere between 6000 and 60,000 thoughts (depending on which research you come across). But what’s really shocking is regardless of the total number, around 80% are negative and nearly 95% are repetitive thoughts!

So while the quantity of our daily thoughts seems high, the quantity is rather low. Essentially we are repeating the same thoughts over and over again, and most of them carry messages of fear, anxiety, worries, stress and worst case scenarios…

No wonder we feel so out of balance all the time! 😱

If you wish to create a happy, balanced life, you need to start with your thoughts. 

Positive affirmations help you to return to the present moment, feel more connected to the rest of the world and embrace your own power over challenges and circumstances. 

They are simple to create, simple to repeat and simple to introduce to your daily lifestyle.

When you find yourself worried about something that may or may not happen, or stressing over something that’s already happened and it’s long gone in the past, pick a positive affirmation and repeat it a couple of times. Feel your mind lighten up and your attention come back to the present moment.

Positive affirmations help us to redirect our thoughts and bring extra positivity to our daily experiences. 

So where do you begin?

Here are 10 positive affirmations that you can try today!

1. “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.”

Comparison and expectations can often play tricks on us. Accepting where you are in life (spiritually, professionally, emotionally, etc) at this point in time can only help you to approach the present moment with more clarity, joy and confidence in your abilities. This in turn increases your chances to spot the opportunities along the way and seize them!

2. “I am ready for what comes next.”

We can never have all the answers to all of our questions. But we can embrace the unknown with the excitement that what awaits is another adventure – with the knowledge that after every storm the sun will shine again.

3. “I trust the process.”

Great habits help us achieve our goals a lot faster than we would otherwise achieve them if we were not disciplined. This, however, sometimes means we need to sacrifice instant gratification in order to achieve bigger rewards in the long run.

It’s important to believe in the process and trust that it is taking you to the version of yourself you need to become in order to bring your vision of success to life. The more you trust in the process, the easier it will be to stick to your habits and continue progressing with your goals.

4. “I am grateful for everything in my life.”

It is often said that the challenges that come our way are here to teach us a lesson, and the blessings happen to remind us to enjoy life. If you are experiencing more hardships than benefits, however, it probably wouldn’t be your first thought to consider the difficulties as gifts.

In the difficult moments, focus your appreciation on everything good in your life, whether that’s people you can count on or joyful moments you’ve experienced or even material possessions that make your life easier.

5. “I know I got this.”

At the end of the comfort zone comes growth. But in order for growth to truly happen, we must experience a number of uncomfortable moments. Think about giving a presentation to your colleagues when public speaking isn’t one of your current skills. It requires courage to build new skills, especially when we’re adults. Believing in yourself and bringing a positive can-do attitude can be a real superpower in those situations.

6. “All is well in my life.”

We’re bound to experience a bad day every now and then. The bus was late, you got soaked thanks to a wild storm, your boss was in a cranky mood, your kids didn’t listen to you, the dinner was overcooked, and the list goes on…

When things get chaotic, take a pause. Zoom out from your current circumstances and take a look at the bigger picture. List everything amazing that is happening in your life right now and say ‘Thank you’ to the universe for reminding you to slow down.

7. “I approach others with kindness.”

When people offend or hurt you intentionally, It can be tempting to send a negative response their way and try to hurt them back. That’s, of course, one way to approach the situation. The other way is to embrace a lighter, more joyful attitude.

When we remain positive despite people’s attempts to bring us down, it helps us to stay balanced and keep our energy focused on the priorities and the people that truly matter.

8. “I accept this.”

There’s a wide range of feelings that we experience on a daily basis. What we feel in this very moment does not define our entire identity, it simply gives us a glimpse as to how we’re interpreting the world around us. Every feeling can reveal something about us as long as we allow it to fully rise to the surface, accept it, analyse it if it feels important and then gently let it go.

9. “This too shall pass.”

The most positive people in the world aren’t 100% sure everything will be okay. But they understand that using positive thinking makes life easier, especially when things get difficult. 

Leave the TV on long enough and you’ll be given a long list of accidents, disasters, rising crime and more breaking news. The mind works similarly. If you don’t control the channels or give yourself some time off, the chaos of negative and repetitive thoughts will take over.

What you’re going through today is temporary. You are continuously changing together with the world. Remember that you have the power to choose where you focus your attention.

10. “Today brings a fresh, new start.”

It’s amazing how we can fall asleep tired, exhausted and defeated only to wake up with renewed energy and strength. Use the energy of a new day to try again – a new hobby, a new book, a new relationship.

Every day gives you a chance to try something for the first time or get better at a particular skill. This positive affirmation reminds you to invest your time wisely and gently look after your energy levels, so you commit to the right tasks.

Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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