5 Spiritual Habits that Transformed My Life (Part 4)

Co-creating your reality with your Higher Self

Every time you consciously create change in your life, there are four levels that you are operating on:

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

The fourth level is the most mystic and exciting one: it’s where you reconnect with your Higher Self and your Soul’s purpose. To get in alignment with your Higher Self, you only need to look within. 

All the answers are already encoded in you, ready to be birthed or manifested into the world. But are you willing to do the inner work to uncover them?

Here are the 5 habits that helped me transform my life on a spiritual level and how you can use them to change your life too!


If there’s one habit that will shift your reality for the better almost instantly, it is gratitude. But since it is a habit, it requires commitment and daily practice!

Gratitude has the power to change your brain and body ON A CELLULAR LEVEL. It is that powerful! 

When you start the day with gratitude and end the day with gratitude, you alchemise any lingering negative energy into positive energy AND that makes all the difference! 

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our reality WHO we are and when WHO we are is POSITIVE BEINGS, we attract POSITIVE THINGS into our everyday world. 

It is that simple!

But here’s the thingβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou can’t fake it. 

You need to really feel a deep sense of gratitude when you’re expressing it, whether that’s gratitude for a person, a place, an experience, an item, an opportunity, or a memory. 

The goal of spiritual health is to continuously raise your consciousness, so that you can experience more of life with more love and appreciation. 

Gratitude is the easiest way to get started!


Choosing peace over stress might seem like madness to youβ€Šβ€”β€Šand othersβ€Šβ€”β€Šat first! 

We are so used to living in constant survival mode that when we stop and unplug from the busy life around us, it seems that a whole new world opens up. 

A brand new world that has been there all alongβ€Šβ€”β€Šthe Natural world. 

While the many distractions of the material world get smarter, funkier and shinier every year, Nature holds power that material items can never produce. 

Nature holds all life and as a living being you are also part of Nature.

To choose peace over people (stress) is to reconnect with your Higher Self and come back home to the state of Being of Interconnectedness. 

Solitude is required to welcome peace into your life, so that you can understand where you begin and end, and where others begin and end. This will help you leave any relationships that are based on codependency and conditional love, so that you can embody unconditional love for yourself and for others. 

Not only is peace the true path to enlightenment, but it’s also to the way to grounding the vision for success your Higher Self has already created for you to β€œdownload” and manifest into the physical world. 

Peace allows you to hear your inner voice, your intuition, and fulfill your Soul’s purpose during your lifetime as the human that you embody. 


Maybe I’m just from another planet altogether, but unconditional love has always been the state of my inner world. 

It’s only when people have entered my life to cause disruptions that I’ve experienced lessons in jealousy, conditional thinking, manipulation, codependency, judgement and self-sabotage.

Unconditional love is transformational! 

It’s a force that melts everything that it comes in contact withβ€Šβ€”β€Šfear, hatred, anger, pain, shame, guilt, grief, pride. 

Unconditional love has the power to repair broken hearts that have suffered wounds due to neglect, abandonment, rejection, betrayals and any other personal attacks driven by hate & fear.

Unconditional love understands that sometimes life stings and we cannot always get it right (the first time), that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn to laugh at life when everything falls to pieces!

β€œIt’s okay, you’re aliveβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou get to try again tomorrow,” the Universe whispers.

And you know that you are, in fact, exactly where you are supposed to be. 

Connected with your Higher Self and ready to come back on the playing field for the game of your life. Tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after thatβ€Šβ€”β€Šuntil you cross the finish line!


What you desire is already yours. A future version of you has already accomplished it or received it. This is your Higher Self showing you the next steps to achieving your life mission, one goal at a time as part of the greater vision of what you came here to accomplish and become. 

The Law of Assumption doesn’t manipulate energy, it gives you clarity on what to focus your energy, so that you can align with your highest timeline. 

Your highest timeline is where you’re already experiencing the life of your dreams. 

To get thereβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou need to believe that you’re worthy of the success, of the love, of the recognition, of the opportunities AND embody the energy of it!

How would you feel if you already had a million pounds in your bank account?

How would you feel if you were already married to the love of your life? 

How would you feel if you just accomplished your dream of climbing mountain Everest?

The energetic field you create around you sends signals to the Universe that you’re ready to receive. You will receive back what you’re giving out in terms of your energy. 

What energy are you in right now? Is it an energy of abundance and gratitude? Or an energy of lack and β€œWhen is it ever going to be my turn”?

To shift your external world, you need to shift your internal world. It’s as simple as that!


We are all one. You might have heard this before and it’s for a reason. Every living being on the planet is connected to the same Source of creationβ€Šβ€”β€Šthe Universe. 

Our consciousness comes from Source, from the Universe. Because of it, we can create anything that we desire. 

What’s the catch? 

  1. You need to raise your consciousness through self-growth. To create and manifest, you need to be in a state of LOVE (expanded consciousness). Most people live in a state of FEAR (contracted consciousness), which is why they’re living in suffering. 

2. You need to accept your Spiritual Body, your Soul, and reconnect with your Higher Self. 

When you resist change, you resist becoming a greater version of yourself out of FEAR it might be worse. You didn’t come to Earth to suffer but to experience great enjoymentβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou just don’t remember it (yet)! 

Most people are not only living in FEAR, but they are in a SPIRITUAL COMMA or experiencing SPIRITUAL AMNESIA. What this means is they cannot perceive beyond the physical reality and their body. And there’s so much more!!!

A spiritual awakening reminds you of all of the potential that’s stored within you and how you can channel it into the world to create the life of your dreams. 

A spiritual awakening is hard work, but the rewards are worth it. 

For one, you get to live authentically and unapologetically as your true Self. In doing so, you get to create a life that is aligned with your authentic self and leave a legacy for the generations that will come after you. 

When we stop living in the past, we start to make change that has ripple effects in the future. 

Read the previous posts:

  • 5 Emotional Habits That Transformed My Life READ MORE

  • 5 Mental Habits That Transformed My Life READ MORE

  • 5 Physical Habits That Transformed My Life READ MORE


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


10 Self-Love Lessons to Master


Why Time Isn’t Real But a Construct of the Mind