Why Time Isn’t Real But a Construct of the Mind

Your consciousness creates your reality.

So you’ve made the choice to come to planet Earth? Brave choice! 

Do you remember that you are a Soul living a human experience? Good. 

It’s time that you learned a couple more things about your life here. 

“Time” is the keyword.

If you are reading this post, it’s because you’re ready to make the shift from 3D living and experiencing time as a “linear concept”, where actions happen one after the other, and proceed with your spiritual awakening to 4D living and above where TIME = TIMELINES. 

Let’s start simple — with music!

Every time you listen to a song, you are transported to ALL THE TIMES you have listened to this song across the “liner time” of your lifetime — the data is all stored inside of your consciousness. 

Only this “linear time memory” of a specific song is a combination of not just all the times you have listened to this song, but it also captures your memories across every single timeline you’ve listened to it! 

When you elevate your consciousness, you will notice that your taste in music shifts, because music is one way that your Higher Self is communicating with you while you’re on planet Earth. 

You see, as a Soul experiencing life on Earth, you agreed to forget about your origins and all the knowledge that you carry within, so that you can experience the Game of Life. 

But as part of your life on Earth, you also get to experience the School of Life where the more you level up in terms of your self-growth, the more you unlock your inner knowledge, so that you can play the Game of Life with your own custom design, settings and rules!

It’s a lot of new information, I know! 

Let’s go back to music… 

Finding a new favourite song is not random. Your Higher Self is giving you a sign that you’re about to LEVEL UP by introducing you to a song that will play a part into your future. 

By introducing you to a song that you will be listening to in a “future time point” where you have already accomplished everything you are working to accomplish right now, this triggers a “remembrance reaction” in your consciousness, so that more space can open up for the new version of you to be birthed or “downloaded” into your consciousness! 

The more you choose to consciously change into a better, greater version daily, the more you level up on a spiritual level and the more connected you become with your Higher Self — and so the closer you are to experiencing freedom like never before in the Game of Life. 

Naturally, you come up with new ideas and new goals to achieve! The more you follow them, the more new opportunities show up and new people with whom you get to create the next version of your reality. 

The more you pursue the next version of yourself, the more you unlock new parts of yourself that you have already achieved in the span of living as the particular “avatar” or “human” you’ve chosen to play the Game of Life with. 


Because time isn’t linear. 

Everything has already happened and it exists simultaneously at this very moment. 

If you desire something (career, partnership, item), it’s because a future version of yourself, or a version of you in a parallel timeline, already has it. 

Every choice that you make splits your reality into multiple timelines. 

Some timelines are parallel, meaning you are exactly where you are in terms of your career or lifestyle progression, but you are eating different food, attending different hobbies or wearing different clothes.

Other timelines are higher, meaning you have made better choices considering the circumstances and lessons you were presented with, so you are now experiencing more of life as you continue your progression in the Game of Life & in the School of Life.

Next time you feel pressured by time, remember that all creation happens in the Mind. 

What you think you become, because your Mind (your consciousness) is the powerful generator that creates what you experience in your reality. 

If you want to shift your reality and “quantum jump” into a better timeline, all you need to do is change yourself. 

Self-growth is the pursuit of becoming a better version of yourself daily. Why? So that you can experience more of life on Earth, of course!

I hope this Earth lesson helped you remember some of the knowledge that’s already within you, fellow human — or rather, fellow Soul! 

The Game of Life has many limitations, but your Soul is limitless. Keep reconnecting with your Higher Self and you’ll discover many miracles during your time on Earth.

You are the Creator of your life. Everything starts with you! 

P.S. Follow that which gives you EXCITEMENT — that’s one of the secrets to levelling up faster. Anything that keeps you sad, nostalgic or bitter is meant to delay your progress and keep you stuck in the “past”: a past that doesn’t exist, because all life and creation happens in the present moment! 


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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