Welcome Abundance In Your Life In 4 Steps

Welcome to the 11/11 portal of 2023 (11/11/2023) 🎉

Are you ready to welcome more abundance in your life?

Fantastic, let’s get started!

Every time you consciously create change in your life, you do it on 4 levels.

Each level requires more effort, patience and consistency to truly master it!

Being Human: The 4 Levels (Read more | Watch the video)

In this alchemy session, you’ll discover how to reset the 4 operational levels and create more space for abundance your life.

If you remember anything from this video, keep this in mind:

Every day is an opportunity to learn. There are no mistakes: every mistake is a learning opportunity. When you fail… you simply start again from experience!

The more you dedicate your life to continuous growth, the more you will be able to transform & transmute and release more of your potential.

It is noble to dedicate your life to helping others, but make sure to always start with yourself, because you cannot pour from an empty cup.

The 1-1-1-1 alchemy session is a guided step-by-step approach for resetting your 4 operational levels, so that you can get in true alignment with your most authentic self and accomplish more of your soul purpose!

You are already the Doer, the Thinker, the Partner and the Leader. It’s now time to honour all of those titles and level up with more intention!


What is alchemy? The ability to transform one item into another, one perspective into another, one emotional state into another! 

You, too, are an Alchemist when you embrace the power of your mind and your own ability to be a Creator of your reality.

Join my YouTube channel for more alchemy sessions


Get a deeper understanding of your life path and what you came here to accomplish on Earth by stepping into your most authentic self.

As Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."

Every person has a soul purpose to explore when their time comes to awaken to it – if you feel ready to learn more, then it’s time.

Book your 1-Hour Soul Purpose Discovery Call


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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