What is Peace?

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What is peace?

Peace is not just for the monks, the Buddhists, the privileged, the retired, the unbothered.

Peace is for the everyday person – as long as they make it a priority.

Without peace, there’s struggle wherever you go and whatever you do and whoever you do it with. A restlessness that doesn’t go away. A desire to keep speeding up without ever being able to slow down and enjoy the present moment.

Peace can be a force of habit – as long as you consistently choose to make it one!

Isn’t it strange that so much can be said about violence, and so little about peace? 

This may be the world we live in today – chaotic, disturbed, corrupted, angry, at war – but the fact that we’re talking about mental health, mindfulness and somatic healing (to name a few inner peace resolution tactics) gives me hope for the future.

We’re taking baby steps towards restoring the sense of calm within and around us, but they are steps in the right direction. 

We just have to keep walking with one goal in mind: to preserve our inner balance as we lead the way forward to a brighter, peaceful world. 

The truth is we can't have peace in the world without first reaching it within – inner peace.

How do you maintain your inner peace?


Are you tired of small talk? Me too.

BIG SOULS bring big ideas down to Earth.

Let’s plant some abundant seeds into the garden of your mind – join the big talk!

This is a podcast for abundance mindset.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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