Being Human: The 4 Operational Levels

What does it mean to be human?

Everyone creates their own meaning in the process of living, but I can tell you this much… 

There are 4 levels that we can operate on: 

  1. The Physical 

  2. The Mental 

  3. The Emotional 

  4. The Spiritual 

Unlocking all 4 levels requires some serious self-discovery and self-growth, but the more you get to know who you are, the more you access knowledge, gifts and skills that can only be reached if you take the time to do the inner work.

The more you get to discover who you are, the more you can share all of you with the world.


The first level you can operate on is the physical level.

When you meet people who operate on the physical level, you’ll notice:

  • they operate in packs

  • they like small talk

  • they connect through physical attraction

  • they value status, beauty and appearance

In many ways this is the surface level of self-discovery!

There’s so much more to discover and unlock once you continue to grow.


The second level is the mental level where things get more interesting!

When you meet people who operate on the mental level, you’ll notice:

  • they like to talk about ideas

  • they tend to form groups based on shared views

  • they value intellectual connections and growing side by side

  • they are likely to bond around similar habits and interests

This is the level where you’ll discover many successful leaders and people in position of power, because this is the level of ideas exchange and intellectual communication.

But there’s more to life.


The third level — the emotional level — is where the real magic happens!

When you meet people who operate on the emotional level, you’ll notice:

  • they lead with empathy, love and positivity

  • they inspire trust and openness

  • they are comfortable being vulnerable

  • they bond over shared values

  • they invite others to expand their own emotional intelligence

People who have mastered operating on the emotional level make great Community Leaders who inspire change on a societal level: It’s because they communicate from the heart that their message resonates far wider than other people.

Yet there’s one more level!


The fourth level is the spiritual level where not many people tend to stay for long. 

When you meet people who operate on the emotional level, you’ll notice:

  • they are driven by a purpose that’s greater than them

  • they are at peace with their identity and the Universe

  • they inspire movements and create life-changing legacies

  • they bond over shared vision with other purpose-driven leaders

The more you discover who you are, the more you are able to connect with your “soul tribe” — the people who are here to co-create the vision your Higher Self has shared with you. 

Everything starts with you!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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