What’s Your Brand Theme? The 7 Colours

Choosing your brand colour is kind of a big deal, because it sets a theme for your business. Let’s look at the top 7 colours and their energetic interpretation!

Every colour means something and the colours of the 7 chakras can help you make your brand identity a lot more aligned with your vision for the future.

The 7 colours of the 7 chakras give us information about the energetic centre(s) we will be activating within our brand tribe when we are spreading the word about our mission.

Some companies feature two or three colours in their brand identity (e.g. Mastercard uses the first three chakra colours), which allows them to cover more ground and reach more people with their work.

Question: What colour attracts you the most? What’s the theme associated with it? Is there alignment between the colour theme and your brand purpose?

Let’s look into the 7 colours!


The first colour is red – the hue associated with the Root Chakra, the first energetic centre in our body that helps us feel safe and relaxed (or stressed and fearful when out of balance).

Please keep in mind that Ruby Rose is our interpretation of the Root Chakra: a blend between the traditional red and the Inner Child pink to introduce a stronger sense of Self, Identity and Stability in our storytelling.

Red is a perfect colour for your brand if you’re looking to shape a family business that speaks to every family member. Alternatively, red is a great choice if you’re developing a company that will offer healthcare, financial or insurance services, because they are all connected to the concept of stability.

Example: Think about Netflix, Coca-Cola, H&M or YouTube: there’s something for everyone when you engage with the brands.


The second colour is orange – our energetic link to the Sacral Chakra that brings us more joy, excitement, passion and creativity!

Orange is a great choice for your brand if you’re targeting creative minds and building a brand that introduces a more playful approach to life.

Orange makes us feel more alive. It promises an experience, not just a transaction. Choose orange for your brand if you’re ready to scale up your operations through events, meetings and open conversations packed with ideas!

Example: Think about the publishing house Penguin Books or Simon Sinek’s Optimism Company – they are on a mission to make the world a more inspired place full of passionate dreamers who are excited to channel their ideas and meet their audience.


Next on the list is yellow – the colour that introduces the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energetic centre in our body that activates once we’re about to step into the leadership seat!

Yellow is a great colour to use if you’re building a PR agency or offering coaching services, since it will boost your own leadership skills as you’re awakening the Inner Leader within your customers.

Yellow gives us the courage to lead, speak up, share and initiate projects.

As a branding colour, it’s also suitable for businesses that are on a mission to scale up big time and support the economy in major ways. Just like the Universe loves brave hearts, the Economy loves courageous entrepreneurs who are willing to dream big and pursue their bold ambitions!

Example: Think about IKEA’s approach – they are giving everyone the tools to build and the courage to re-imagine Earth through their own creative lens. Then there’s Ferrari challenging you to dream bigger and go faster. Last but not least, Batman’s infamous logo reminds us of the Inner Hero that’s within all of us, so long as we’re brave enough to believe in our ability to change the world for the better!


The fourth colour is green – associated with the Heart Chakra, this colour sends the message of love, empathy, support, community and belonging.

Green is the ideal choice for Community Leaders who are looking to build a space for like-minded individuals aligned around common values, interests and hobbies.

Green is also a perfect choice for Teachers who want to get people together to learn, grow, create and design the future side by side!

Choose green for your brand if you’re positioning your company in Education, Social Media for Non-Profit Enterprises and Holistic Health as it will strengthen your energetic presence and business impact.

Example: Think about Duolingo, Spotify or Starbucks – these are companies with loyal brand tribes who offer a consistent experience regardless of where you’re based in the world. They understand that community starts at the heart and their marketing knows how to speak to its audience by reaffirming what they love, whether it’s music, languages, networking or having the space to be yourself authentically.


Fifth on the list is blue – the colour of the Throat Chakra that gives us the ability to be honest with ourselves and the rest of the world, so that we can shine with our authenticity!

Blue is the colour of communication, so it’s no surprise that the following companies have picked precisely blue for their brand identity:

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook

  • Skype

  • Windows

  • Vimeo

  • HP


  • Disney

  • Samsung

  • Dell

  • Alexa

  • Twitter

And the list goes on!

Blue is the most preferred brand colour as it represents honesty, integrity and clarity of vision, which in turn has impacted customers who are always looking for trustworthy businesses.

Choose blue if you want to send the message that you’re transparent with your operations and open with your communication, regardless of what industry you select for your business.

Some say blue is a safe choice, but it’s a proven choice!


Next on the list is purple – the colour that activates our Third Eye Chakra and helps us to visualise more of our Higher Self potential and materialise it into products and services.

Purple can be seen as an alternative choice for your brand colour, because not many people are brave enough to explore their creative side and unlock the depths of their imagination.

If you’re on a mission to innovate and transform the world, purple is the choice for you!

Pick purple for your brand if you’ve got a strong inner drive to create and you’d like to channel more of your potential as you fulfill your purpose. You’ll 100% attract more of your soul tribe members in doing so!

Example: Think about Twitch – the video live-streaming platform launched in 2011 and gained popularity during the pandemic in 2020. Since then many collaborations have been formed through it and many influencers have gained popularity through their creative expression using the community features. Want to see another example? Google Milka! It’s a chocolate brand with a Purple Cow as a mascot that actually had children confused if cows are purple – talk about imagination in action.


Last but not least, we’ve got grey – the colour of the Crown Chakra, the final energetic centre in our body that connects us to more of our higher calling on Earth.

Grey points to more than just data, information or knowledge, it suggests wisdom!

The Crown chakra has a special mention on the list as it’s more than just an energy zone: it’s the highway to our Higher Self. Once we unblock our Crown Chakra, we are able to directly work with Divine guidance that will assist us in difficult moments and unpredictable socio-economical climates on Earth.

Choosing grey for your brand is an investment: you will repel certain people who are not aligned with your mission, but you will 100% attract leads and customers who are inspired to learn and grow with you – customers who are willing to pay big bucks to be part of your tribe.

Example: Think about Apple – one of the most significant brands to redefine the way we live, build and create (as employers, employees, customers and consumers). But Apple is not the only example. We’ve got Mercedes, Swarovski, Nestle, Wordpress and Wikipedia: brands that have helped us channel more of our potential and get from place A to place B with more awareness, confidence and inner knowing.


Finally, there are the rainbow brands – the companies who are harnessing the power of multiple colours and energetic links to engage us:

  • Google

  • Ebay

  • Slack

  • NBC

  • Instagram

  • Monzo

  • The Olympic Games

Rainbow is traditionally a symbol of unity and inclusivity. Picking a multi-coloured brand identity is always a good ideas as long as you’ve got a Brand Officer who can maintain its consistent representation across your social media channels and digital presence.

Keep reading: Who's In Your Brand Tribe? The 7 Audiences

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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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