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"Do It": A Message For Dreamers and Legendary Leaders
Here are 30 affirmations for your consciousness to help you break through any limiting beliefs and blockages, so that you can channel more of your potential.

12 Books of 2024: Alchemy, Self-Help, Leadership
Welcome to the Alchemy Book Club! In 2024 we read 12 books that gave us ideas around leadership, self-help, creativity and emotional intelligence.

5 Ways to Handle Rejection Like a Leader
Rejection hurts. Rejection is part of the process. Rejection redirects us! Here are 5 ways to handle rejection like a leader – inspired by Ted Lasso.

How to Lead with Your Human Design Type
Discover the 5 human design personality types, what sets them apart in the world and the key to their success. Apply your human design profile to leadership!

The Wheel of Life: How Tony Robbins Succeeds
Tony Robbins, one of the most established motivational speakers, uses The Wheel of Life to determine one's success based on not 2, 3 or 4, but 7 areas of life!

Blue: The Most Wanted Brand Colour
Blue is so popular for business owners that nearly 40% of Fortune Top 500 companies have picked it for their brand. It’s a safe and dependable choice for any brand!

Outwit the Devil: Lead with Your Higher Self
Leading from the heart is great. Leading with your Higher Self is what changes the world! This is how you become of service to the Divine and all of humanity.

What’s Your Brand Theme? The 7 Colours
Every colour means something and the colours of the 7 chakras can help you make your brand identity a lot more aligned with your vision for the future.