Childhood Trauma Conditioning For High Performers

Time for positive change  🦋

The first 7 years of your life are your "onboarding years" on Earth.

If you experience trauma in the first 7 years of your life, you are more likely to develop the idea that you're "unworthy of love" unless you perform in a specific way – or how we have created a culture of #highperformance in order to get other people's approval 👍🏻

Why is the world designed like that?

If you hate yourself, you’re more likely to compromise on your morals, but more importantly – you’re easier to target, manipulate, control.

If you “feel broken” on the inside, you’re more likely to spend your lifetime wasting it, looking for a cure outside of you AND believe in the marketing messages that promise that they can fix you, even though there’s nothing wrong with you.

It’s just your programming!

Former CIA Agent Andrew Bustamante: "People who experience the right amount of trauma become high achievers."

Childhood trauma works brilliantly because it creates a society of high performers – people stuck in their mind without ever being able to fully express their emotions, which creates all kinds of mental health issues and addictions.

A society based on trauma is a HIGH FUNCTIONING society, but at what cost?

When you split the mind and the heart, A LOT can go wrong and A LOT has already gone wrong...


What is childhood trauma?

The split between your mind and heart, between your thoughts and emotions, the ultimate division of labour within you, so that you become a slave to the system – a machine that never dares to spend too much time in your emotions, because you've been conditioned to believe that emotions are bad.

What is the Monarch Mind Control Programming?

It’s the CIA’s project to create childhood trauma in our society: a project that began after the Second World War together with MK Ultra.

The Monarch Mind Control Project creates slaves undetectably 🦋

You’re groomed and prepared to be a slave (to the system) since the day you’re born, exposed to methods of hypnosis and torture that condition your subconscious mind to think and act in a specific way in order to avoid pain and punishment.

The Monarch Mind Control Programming robs you of your own sense of identity and your self-worth, so that you can always be co-dependent on others, specifically abusers and manipulators.

The Monarch Mind Control Project with the MK Ultra Programming explains why we live in a world full of child pornography, paedophiles, child trafficking and inner child trauma.


Childhood trauma sends the message that “Children are NOT the future.”

The spiritual warfare we’re experiencing is mass hypnosis and mind control on a global scale.

This mass hypnosis and mind control I’m talking about are the Monarch Mind Control Project and the MK Ultra Mind Control Project.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

Maui’s Message to the World: “Wake Up”


Childhood Trauma & Monarch Programming