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What’s a Trauma Bond & How to Overcome It
Trauma bonds happen you bond with people over traumatic experiences and develop co-dependency due to the familiarity with dysfunctional behaviour.
20 Signs Your Inner Child Needs Healing
People Pleasing, Fear of Commitment, Repressed Anger, Self-Criticism and Lack of Boundaries are some of the signs your inner child needs healing.
Childhood Trauma & Narcissism
Childhood trauma and narcissism are linked, but not all childhood trauma results in narcissism and not all narcissism is due to childhood trauma!
Monarch Programming: You Are NOT Your Trauma
Trauma is part of your Monarch programming. You are conditioned to hate yourself from the day you’re born to remain easy to control and manipulate!
5 Sectors of Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming blocks our natural evolution! Mind control means we have been exposed to lies for years to keep us sick, ill-informed, programmed to be slaves to the system.
Childhood Trauma Conditioning For High Performers
Former CIA Agent Andrew Bustamante explains connection between trauma and performance: “People who experience the right amount of trauma become high achievers.”
Childhood Trauma & Monarch Programming
Monarch Mind Control Programming is CIA’s project to create childhood trauma in our society: a project that began after the Second World War together with MK Ultra.
3 Signs Someone’s Emotionally Manipulating You
The "Narcissist + Empath" dance only works if you choose to participate. The moment you become balanced on your own, the music stops and the show's over.