BORN TO DO IT: Future Designer Sven Oliver Heck

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What does the natal birth chart of a Future Designer look like?

We'll take a look into the "Earth instructions" of Future Designer Sven Oliver Heck who's on a mission to help leaders believe in their pioneering abilities: one entrepreneur at a time!

  • What's our creative potential?

  • How can we approach designing our identity with more clarity?

  • Can anyone be a leader?

  • What are the most common limiting beliefs that prevent entrepreneurs from leading the change they envision?

Join us for a futuristic chat about authenticity and get ready to tap into your Inner Leader!


Sven Oliver Heck is a Future Designer and Integral Business Consultant. His honors degree in Media Sciences and Digital Art led him to the movie and advertising business, but he switched gears and started new adventures.

Sven has worked in private practice for more than a decade as a transpersonal therapist and spiritual mentor. As an integral leadership coach, he empowers pioneering entrepreneurs, founders, executives and their teams to be visionary leaders who create new realities.

He's the holder of Honors Degree Media Sciences & Digital Art.

He's a Licensed Healing Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Regression Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Licensed Integral Coach & Integral Facilitator, and Integral Organisational Developer.

In our conversation, we'll explore his role as a Future Designer!

🔗 Connect with Sven at


Why did I pick PURPLE for the episode's theme?

Purple is often associated with the last two chakras or energy centres in our body: the Third Eye chakra (responsible for vision into the future) and the Crown chakra (how we connect to the rest of the world through understanding how to be of service to humanity).

Vision is the key that unlocks new possibilities for anyone who aspires to be a Leader.

Sometimes it's the Vision you're granted that guides you onto your leadership journey. Other times it's your desire to become a leader that guides you to your vision – your contribution to the world!

May our episode help you "ground" more puzzle pieces as to what your vision and purpose on Earth is as you're investing into your self-growth.


BORN TO DO IT is a series of stories from humans around the world who are trying to make Earth a better place one day a time.

We’ll unlock their natal birth chart instructions together and figure out if they’re on the right track — if they are moving in alignment with their soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

To discover your soul purpose, look no further than your own name. But also your natal birth chart, astrology and numerology can help.

One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.

Want to learn more? Find your own purpose


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

BORN TO DO IT: Leadership Coach with Stacey Gonzales


BORN TO DO IT: Intuitive Healer Jessica Madenford