Say hello to self-growth
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BORN TO DO IT: Cybersecurity Behavioural Expert with Natalie Berthe
Meet Cybersecurity Behavioural Expert and Leadership Strategist Natalie Berthe who's on a mission to make staying online safer – one initiative at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Play Alchemist with Portia Tung
Meet the Play Alchemist and Executive Agile Coach Portia Tung who's on a mission to make adulthood happier through lifelong play – one conversation at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Education Innovator with David Richards
Meet Mindset Coach, Empath and Education Expert David Richards who's on a mission to reform the education system and illuminate the way forward to a more heart-led living: one community at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Authenticity Alchemist with Stella Yann
Meet Authenticity Alchemist, Storyteller and Lightworker Stella Yann who's on a mission to make Earth a more authentic, creative and united place: one project at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Voice Actor with Christopher Tester
Meet Actor and Voiceover Artist Christopher Tester who's on a mission to bring to life characters from all parts of the Universe: one role at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Community Leader with Alden Darville
Meet Soulful Entrepreneur & Consciousness Coach Alden Darville who's on a mission to make the world a more connected place: one community at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Leadership Coach with Stacey Gonzales
Meet Education Specialist and Leadership Coach Stacey Gonzales who's on a mission to help leaders transfer their expertise into profitable business ideas: one brand at a time!

BORN TO DO IT: Future Designer Sven Oliver Heck
Meet Future Designer & Integral Business Consultant Sven Oliver Heck who's on a mission to help leaders believe in their pioneering abilities: one entrepreneur at a time!