5 Ways You Are Conditioned to Hate Yourself

The children are angry. God’s children are angry! 🦋

From the day you’re born until the day you die, you’re conditioned to hate yourself. 


So that your heart remains closed, broken, unable to feel.


If you cannot feel, you cannot heal. 

If you cannot heal, you continue to live in the cycles of your trauma, stuck in the past for eternity — or you know, until the end of your life.

If you cannot feel, you cannot love wholeheartedly. And this is how the next generations continue to apply the same traumatic tactics and patterns to the children of the future. A self-fulfilling prophesy!

If you cannot feel, you cannot hear or follow your intuition. Your heart is the link to your Soul, to your Higher Self.

If you cannot feel, are you even a human being? Or merely a machine here, plugged into someone else’s vision for the world?

The ultimate division of labour within your own operational system: the division of mind and heart. 

As long as you don’t feel and better yet — think for yourself, the system will take care of you.


The operation “Hate yourself” begins when you are a child. 

You are groomed to view yourself as a “Victim”: nothing more, nothing less.

There are multiple tactics used to create the sensation of being a “Victim” in the first 7 years of your upbringing: neglect, narcissism, rejection, gaslighting, abandonment, abuse (mental, emotional, physical, sexual).

You are made to feel like your voice, your thoughts, your opinions, your feelings don’t matter. The more you feel like you’re alone in the world, the less you share who you truly are with the world. 

Hey, you might even completely stop thinking and feeling for yourself: no one cared about what you thought and felt when you were a child, why would it be any different when you’re an adult, right?!

Hence, why being authentic feels like the most difficult thing to do – you were raised in a world that taught you NOT TO BE yourself.

You grew up with the idea that BEING YOURSELF IS NOT SAFE. 

The Monarch Mind Control Project explains the virus in our society and why we live in a world full of child pornography, paedophiles, child trafficking and inner child trauma.

I’ll save you the search time, click to download the Monarch Mind Control Project PDF.


The Monarch Mind Control Project does not stop with the experiences you have as a child, of course. It continues to brainwash you with everything you see on TV and every other mass media platform:

  • Highly sexualised messaging — yes, even in animations! They have to start brainwashing you as soon as you can see and learn from observations: actually there’s no better time to brainwash a human than when he or she is a child. 

  • Sex, money, violence — these are the 3 rules of journalism. If it doesn’t concern sex, money or violence, it’s not newsworthy. What does that tell you about the content you see in the news and on TV daily? These are the 3 priorities your brain needs to be occupied with: who slept with whom, who killed whom, and who stole money and how much money they earned and how you should worship those with the most money as if they’re the Gods of society.

  • Fear — the final ingredient to stop you from trusting your own intuition is none other than fear! When you remain in a state of fear, you live in a state of survival 24/7. This raises your levels of cortisol, keeping you stressed, anxious and on the verge of burnout, depression and further mental health conditions almost permanently.

The Monarch Mind Control Project isn’t the only programme the CIA rolled out following the second World War to make sure we remain asleep spiritually and emotionally, so that they can continue to brainwash and control us using fear.

They also created the MK Ultra Mind Control Project: here’s a copy of the official report the CIA released to explain what the project does.


The operation “Hate yourself” remains throughout your whole life unless you learn how to love yourself and stop relying on external validation to believe that you’re worthy of love, support, success.

The one thing society doesn’t want you to do — learn to love yourself!

If you discovered how much potential there’s in you, how many ideas you can birth into the world, how much your presence can change society for the better: why would you ever stay stuck on the hamster wheel of capitalism?! 

You wouldn’t.

And they know it.


The greatest war of all history is the spiritual war we’re all going through right now.

We live in a world where people’s worth is defined entirely by appearances and material possessions, as they are proudly driving the most expensive cars while feeding their children with junk food and barely paying any attention to their social, mental or emotional needs.

We have been under attack all this time — under a spell — that’s resulted in this long generational spiritual coma.

All this time the war has been in our minds.

The spiritual warfare is really mind control and at every step of the journey there are mind control tactics to keep us asleep: to our potential, to the truth, to our missions.

The mind control includes:






But the mass awakening has already begun and all the lies are about to be exposed worldwide.

Project Looking Glass is confirmation of this. The most powerful computers in the world have run this algorithm multiple times and the result is always the same: the Elites can no longer manipulate the Game of Life because it’s time for change.


The final step of the “Hate yourself” plan is to get you to aspire to be famous, a superstar, the one who’s got the X factor. 

It’s fascinating that the mass media is quite literally shitting all over SPIRITUALITY when X in “X factor” comes from the ancient runes. 

X is the rune Gebo. This rune stands for gift and means as much as gift. It can be a material gift, but also a spiritual gift. Here the proverb “to give is more blessed than to receive” is worth its weight in gold. Because only those who are ready to give are also ready to receive.

The current world designed by the Elites is not only suppressing our gifts, talents and knowledge, it’s making sure that those of us who are really gifted are instantly inserted into their power matrix of dominance, so they can remain slaves under their control — under their rules.

First rule of being famous and of status in the world of the Elites is to OBEY.

The systemic abuse of celebrities is further designed to make sure that you get to shine, but not too much, because the spotlight needs to remain on them: the ones who think they can continue to bend the rules as if they’re Neo — when there can only be one Neo and that Neo does not get to be chosen by the system, he or she is chosen by God. 


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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