How to Level Up In Hollywood

How Hollywood is keeping us distracted!

When I say Hollywood, I don’t just mean the movies… I mean all mass media sectors and platforms!

Ever wondered why some Hollywood stars “explode” and others simply can’t win against the constant bad press?

There are certain pathways the Entertainment industry has established to raise the image of “chosen celebrities” while embedding them into the system through their own brands! 

You already know that joining Hollywood is a little bit like joining the Dark Side… 

This video should help you understand how the levelling up process works and how it’s part of the Game’s structure to keep you distracted.

Distracted from what exactly? 

Accomplishing what you came here to do: your soul purpose!


There are 6 main types of brand deals that celebrities are given to level up in Hollywood:

  • Alcohol deal

  • Energy drink deal

  • Sports (team) deal

  • Make up deal

  • Fashion deal

  • Wellness industry deal

While alcohol delivers the most damage to your body, mind and spirit, the others contribute to the corruption in society in their own way. Above all, they keep you distracted!

You keep purchasing items you don’t need to impress people you don’t even like (yes, I’m quoting Fight Club).

You keep comparing yourself to celebrities and strangers, and even your friends!

You keep counting: your money, your likes, your followers.

You keep worshiping the beauty icons, the false idols, the corrupted role models and give away your energy — energy that could have been otherwise invested in pursuing your goals and dreams!

The system is corrupted on many levels and it’s entirely up to you to keep doing the inner work of healing and studying: no one’s got the answers and no one’s coming to save you.

Keep fighting, fellow human! 

Keep ascending, so that you can embody more of your potential and bring positive change on Earth 🕊


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

Twin Flames, Soulmates & Karmic Relationships


The Power of Leading With Love