The Power of Leading With Love

Your loving heart is changing the world ❤️

This is a channeled message to all the people who choose to lead with love day after day — even if it’s unrequited.

All Lightworkers have felt the Darkness breathing down their neck, trying to lure them into the trap of hate, revenge, anger, grief and anxiety. 

Here’s the thing…

You can take everything away from a person who has love in their heart — unconditional love — and they will still choose to love.

To all the people who choose to lead with love day after day… 

Your loving heart is changing the world ❤️ 

Your love creates opportunities for others to act better, to be better, to choose love for themselves.

That’s the power of love! 

Your loving heart is what brings light to the darkness. Your loving heart is what ignites the spark of positive change.

Keep leading with love.

Love’s the answer! 

Peace is the mission 🕊


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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