5 Things Journaling Can Help With

You shouldn’t trust every thought, but it’ll do you good to listen to every thought and try to figure out where it’s coming from.

Some thoughts are useful as they guide us back to our deepest desires.

Other thoughts are deceiving, testing us with seeds of self-doubt!

And then there are thoughts that are unfamiliar… 

These are the thoughts that take us places beyond our wildest imagination, because it’s time for an idea to be born.

Here are 5 ways journaling can help you capture your thoughts and make a better use of your days!


When we release what’s weighing us down, we can operate with more ease and joy in life.

Our own thoughts and emotions can block our operational system far more than other people’s words and actions.


Because you’re stuck with yourself 24/7.

If you’re not your own best friend, you’ll end up repressing a lot of thoughts and emotions, which in turn will manifest as life blockages and mental health issues in the long run.

Journaling helps you maintain the habit of being honest with yourself.

And honesty can be quite liberating!


When you’re clear on your priorities, you can focus on them with less distractions along the way.

Journaling helps you understand what truly matters to you, so that you can spend more of your time doing what you love!

Yes, some tasks will be boring, but when they are connected to achieving what’s important to you, you’ll find a way to get them done with renewed appreciation.

Every puzzle piece matters in the end.


The best ideas come to us when we’re in a state of flow — when we create an open space for the ideas to arrive!

Journaling doesn’t have to be structured.

Yes, you can set daily intentions or tackle specific questions, but you can also infuse your journaling sessions with doodling and getting your crayons into action.


What is it that you need from others that you can’t give to yourself? 

When was the last time you did something spontaneously?

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

Most questions have an answer and most of the time you have the answer, because the answer that will make an impact in your life is the answer that applies to your own life — not what others are saying, thinking or doing.

Journaling helps you see things from a different perspective as you “put things to paper”.

Journaling helps you see things from your unique perspective and make peace with who you are. 


There’s no better way to start the day than with gratitude!

“Grounding” the gratitude with a quick journal entry is a fantastic way to focus on your daily intentions and perhaps even jot down details from your dreams (if you remember them).

Alternatively, you can end the day with a gratitude entry and list everything that made the day more worthwhile, from lessons and challenges to opportunities and blessings!

Remember that as long as you’re alive you still have a chance to accomplish your wildest dreams and make the world a better place: one day at a time!


A year ago I started the BIG TALK: DAILY GROWTH challenge with one goal in mind: tackle one big question for 365 days!

The 30-Day BIG TALK Journals are designed to ground more wisdom into your everyday experience straight from Source, the centre of the Universe.

Can self-growth help you manifest your dream life? Oh, yes!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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