Turn Your Self-Growth Journey Into Play

Self-growth is the pursuit of being a better human being daily! 

Why is self-growth important? 

Self-growth helps you align with the reality of your dreams one day at a time.

We are all spiritual beings that are having a human experience on Planet Earth and when we connect with our Higher Self, we are able to fulfill our soul purpose 🌍

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, what matters is that you remain open to learning: that’s the key to self-mastery.

Tarot & Oracle cards are a useful tool for setting daily intentions, journaling and doing inner work.

They help you visualise, shift the colours of your inner world and re-condition your mindset in a way that supports you stepping into your most authentic self.

You can use any playing cards you have at home. The more visual the cards, the easier it’ll be for you to interpret the messages!

But, hey, you can create your own cards or use any MOTIVATIONAL cards as part of your self-discovery journey.

That’s the best part — you get to make your own rules!


Here are a couple of questions to help you get started:

  • What’s one habit I should invest more time in?

  • What’s one thing I can do to improve my inner balance?

  • What’s holding me back right now?

  • What’s one area of my life that I can improve?

  • What’s a hidden superpower I possess?

  • What’s one action I can take today to bring me closer to the finish line? 

Use one of these prompts as you pick a random card and spend 5 minutes thinking about it or journal your thoughts. 

You can use Tarot cards, Oracle cards, any playing cards, motivational cards or even create your own cards with words / statements. 

Once you get into the habit of “gamifying” your life, doing the inner work becomes a daily adventure!


A year ago I started the BIG TALK: DAILY GROWTH challenge with one goal in mind: tackle one big question for 365 days!

The 30-Day BIG TALK Journals are designed to ground more wisdom into your everyday experience straight from Source, the centre of the Universe.

Can self-growth help you manifest your dream life? Oh, yes!

The Elemental Journals (the last 4 journals) offer you a daily Tarot card if you’re interested in learning more about using Tarot card as part of your inner work.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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