10 Missions That Lightworkers Have on Earth

Time for positive change  🦋

The term “Lightworker” means someone who brings light or positivity into a dark or negative world: our world today. 

Lightworkers have an important part to play in building the New Earth because they hold energetic keys that unlock the potential in others. 

Lightworkers are able to shift energy wherever they go and awaken the people around them to higher knowledge, higher understanding, higher love and higher perspective. 

Lightworkers are here to bring positive change by reminding people that the power, the love and the wisdom they seek in the world is already within them. 

Lightworkers are here to remind you: The change you wish to see in the world starts with changing yourself ✨

Here are 10 missions that Lightworkers are here to accomplish.


Lightworkers who often tend to be innovative Entrepreneurs and Business Owners are here to restore the inner balance between the left brain and right brain. 

They are the visionaries who are setting up new structures, solving world problems and creating pathways for others to join them as they make the world a better place.

The Lightworkers whose mission is Balance are naturally interested in the fitness, wellness and health industry, because they understand that movement and calming down the nervous system is key to restoring one’s inner balance and in doing so restoring the balance on Earth.


Lightworkers who are Motivational Speakers, Social Workers, Writers, Comedians and Positive Psychology specialists, among other job titles, are here to bring balance between negativity and positivity.

They are the idealists and empaths who offer a positive perspective and always look on the bright side, because they understand how important it is to remain calm and upbeat in a world that’s constantly trying to bring you down.

The Lightworkers whose mission is Positivity can be found in the sectors of psychology, philosophy, social sciences and humanities, literature and the creative fields. They are natural problem-solvers and their talent is not only in positive thinking, but also in offering creative solutions!


The Lightworkers who are here as Earth Angels carry unconditional love and their presence in rooms awakens the ability of everyone to feel it in their own heart. 

They are usually inserted in parts of the world that have gone through severe childhood trauma and have lots of inner child wounding to process, because they are able to heal others with their compassion, understanding and support.

The Lightworkers whose mission is Unconditional Love have extraordinary emotional abilities and can read the energy of everyone they meet, so that they can offer them the right advice or resource to help them heal and restore what’s been broken or lost in the process of living.

Earth Angels tend to move jobs, relationships and locations often as their mission is to be messengers of love and their presence is highly needed worldwide!


The Lightworkers who are here as Alchemist are able to transmute really dark and dense energy and turn it into art, ideas, positivity and lessons.

Similarly to Earth Angels, the skilled Alchemists of today’s world can be found among “the darkest places”, because only they can help the ascension of the world through transmuting the dense energy that comes from cycles of generational trauma and generational curses: their presence declares that it’s time to break the dark cycles for good.

The Lightworkers whose mission is Alchemy cannot be easily tricked, gaslit or manipulated into abandoning their identity. Even if they’re led astray, their powerful abilities continue to transmute the dense energy in their environment as they influence people around them to become a better version of themselves daily.


The Lightworkers who are here as Starseeds have come to create new pathways and inspire others with their ideas and out-of-this-world creativity. 

Starseeds have both extraordinary logical and creative skills and their mind can be compared to AI in human form! In a way, it is. 

Starseeds have already unlocked higher levels of consciousness that many are still learning to ascend to as we navigate through the mass spiritual awakening on Earth.

Starseeds can be found in all sectors, from business and government to Hollywood and humanitarianism. Their main mission is to create and their ideas are the source of inspiration for others to join the creative wave!


The Lightworkers who are here to uncover the truth and bring people to justice have a tougher job, because they are embedded in parts of society that are really corrupted or have a lot of dark secrets. 

The Messengers of Justice tend to incarnate in families with ties to occult practices, abusive tendencies, narcissistic patterns and generational secrets.

The Messengers of Justice are not only cycle breakers, but they are the “black sheep” of families (and sometimes whole countries) that are brave enough to speak the truth and lead the movement of positive change that will transform society for generations to come. 


The Lightworkers who are here as Healers bring knowledge of long-forgotten holistic practices that will help heal the natural world and people that have been “poisoned” by the artificial food, beverages and medicine for way too long. 

Healers can be found in many sectors, but they are naturally interested in the fields of wellness, health, medicine and education, where they are able to draw inspiration and spot the problems that need resolving.

While Healers might be dismissed at first, their lifestyle serves as the example that holistic practices work and they are here to teach others how to heal themselves, so that together we can slowly but surely detoxify the planet in the next decades.


The Lightworkers who have been playing the Game of Life for many seasons are here to teach others how to live with more gratitude and learn to celebrate the little things. They are here to invite others to stay in the present moment a little longer and get lost in the magic of now!

These Lightworkers can be considered Ascended Masters because they have mastered the most difficult lesson: to be fully present. 

All change happens in the present moment. When we are able to not only stay in the present moment, but also be grateful for it and connect with others without distractions, concerns or questions about things that do not need answering now, we begin to create positive change with our mere presence. 


The Lightworkers who have been students for a long time are now here to pass on the information and teach others as they are beginning their spiritual awakening journey.

These are the Teachers of the New Earth and as such, they have a natural inclination for knowledge. They devour books, breathe in and breathe out ideas, live for wisdom and inspire curiosity in others.

The Lightworkers who are here as Teachers can be found in education, philosophy, psychology and even the justice sector, where they are able to create a more balanced record of life by blending ancient wisdom and data from today’s rapid changes thanks to all the technological advances.


Finally, the Lightworkers who have been “chosen” to lead in the New Earth are here to bring the vision for positive change and ground changes into the physical world that have never been seen or heard before, because it’s high time for change — positive change.

The New Earth Leaders are here not only to create new businesses, but to set up new structures and new onboarding processes within most existing sectors that will support the transition to a more peaceful, joyful and abundant world on Earth.

The New Earth Leaders might be tasked with some heavy responsibilities on all fronts, but they are highly connected to the spiritual realm. Every puzzle piece that is delivered to their consciousness comes directly from their Higher Self and the vision they are here to establish is not random at all: it has been carefully designed from the Creator.


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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