5 Reasons You Should Move In Silence As You Pursue Your Goals

Moving in silence = You’re finally listening to the Universe!

The most effective way to achieve your goals is to stop talking about them and start working on them. Moving in silence means that you’re finally listening to the Universe!

Moving in silence is the ultimate power move.


Because the interactions that matter the most happen between you & your Higher Self. And in order to hear the voice of your intuition, you need the energetic space to breathe, rest, hear and create. 

Where your attention goes is where your energy goes — invest your energy wisely and you begin to co-create miracles with the Universe ✨


The moment you stop seeking external validation is the moment you free yourself from other people’s opinions, including their judgement, fear, limiting beliefs and other emotional projections.

It is very liberating to be able to express yourself freely, without having to overthink and over-worry about saying the “wrong” things.

Life is about being able to express yourself authentically and connect with people who appreciate you just as you are. 

If you grew up having to monitor how you speak so that you don’t trigger or offend people, congratulations — you are an Empath who came here to learn about helping humans through increased emotional awareness! 

As an Empath, it is now your responsibility to awaken further and strengthen your connection with your Higher Self, so that you can reclaim your power and set the right boundaries, so that you can teach others how to balance their inner world. 

For all the people-pleasers reading this, you, too, are an Empath and your empathy is your superpower. Claim it as such and embrace your new lifestyle of no longer seeking external validation, but giving yourself all the support and guidance you need from within! 


When you learn to value your time, you also learn to value your energy. 

Time and energy are the two most precious resources you have on Earth. They determine your wellbeing and overall life satisfaction.

What you do with your time matters, but how you manage your energy matters even more.

Time’s not linear! When you ascend your consciousness, you experience time differently — the way to ascend spiritually is to master how you work with your energy!

The more you can direct your energy in the direction of your desired reality, the faster your manifestations will arrive. 


Because the more you invest your energy wisely, the more energy you have to invest in your goals and dreams. The more energy you have to invest, the longer time you get to invest it in creating the reality of your dreams & the higher your chances in succeeding.

The more you invest your time and energy into releasing your potential, the more you create or “manifest” your dream reality. It’s as simple as that! 

The mind is the most powerful tool at your disposal — what you envision, you can bring to life! 

And when you learn how to “tame” your mind, you learn self-mastery. 


Once you stop over-explaining your moves or motives — let results speak on your behalf, you stop giving away your power to those around you, whether they are your most trusted advisors in your inner circle or respected colleagues.

When you step into your power, you stop questioning yourself and begin to act in alignment with your authenticity. 

Your authentic self already knows what needs to be done for you have spent every day since you were born remembering the great plan you volunteered to execute when you come to Earth! 

To step into your power is to reconnect with your Higher Self and strengthen your relationship with the entire Universe. 

Moving in silence simply means you are finally listening to the Universe. 


If you’re no longer postponing your dreams for “some day” in the future, you’re actively pursuing them! 

Real change happens in the present moment. 

When you dedicate time to self-growth and releasing your potential daily, you are consciously and continuously taking steps towards reaching the finish line of your dream life on Earth. 

When you make the choice to prioritise your goals, you declare to the Universe: “I am ready to step into my purpose!”

The Universe loves brave, loving hearts and people who take the time to learn to listen to the voice within — the voice of their Soul, their Higher Self. 

What happens when you are actively pursuing your dreams? Well, eventually you achieve them 🤩✨ Hooray! 

And when you make it to the finish line, it’s usually far more amazing that you could have ever imagined when you first started the journey! 


If you’ve detached from fear, you’re no longer guided by your Ego — this is what creates the needed space to restore your connection with your Higher Self, God and the Universe.

Miracles happen when you begin to listen to your intuition and trust it daily! 

You overcome obstacles with extraordinary strength.

You play the long-game with extraordinary patience.

You achieve your goals with extraordinary precision.


Because you have now allowed your Higher Self to lead the way. 

You see, your Higher Self already had the plan created for you — you just had to trust your inner voice and take the steps that were being revealed to you!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


The Book That Helped Me Free My Inner Child 


10 Self-Love Lessons to Master