The Book That Helped Me Free My Inner Child 

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Koolk

Trauma isn’t necessarily what happened to us, but how we are interpreting what’s happened to us. 

The more sensitive we are, the more we carry invisible wounds as part of our identity, stored in the memories of our early childhood.

If we want to free ourselves from the heavy shackles of the past, we must examine what we experienced as children and integrate it as part of our “past”, so it doesn’t have any control over us in the present moment. 

Each of us carry emotional wounds, because each of us are sensitive beings living in a society that teaches us that:

  • Emotions are bad

  • We must kill our emotions and deliver results

  • Our value is produced by our achievements

  • Our opinions are worthless if they don’t match what the media is feeding us

Does it surprise you then that mental health issues are on the rise?

We have been living disconnected from our HEART for way too long and the time to wake up to our fullest self-expression is now.

Your inner child is calling you to open your heart and let your emotions purify your past, present and future!


Inner child healing is the examination of your own childhood, which includes the beliefs and wounds you’ve been carrying with you that you have never truly taken the time to analyse, forgive and integrate as part of your human experience.

When you acknowledge a problem, you can find a resolution to it. When you acknowledge a feeling, you can finally connect it to a memory that’s been trying to get your attention!

Until you pause and recognise what’s bothering you about “what happened to you”, you won’t make peace with it and understand that it’s ALL IN THE PAST (a past that doesn’t exist anymore): you’ll keep on re-living it as if you’re still the child that’s trapped in your body. That’s the consciousness of your inner child that wants to break free and help you elevate your life! 


What’s so beautiful about ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ is that it actually reaffirms that you’re a WARRIOR for surviving difficult moments and making it this far in your journey! 

Trauma happens to disempower us: to take away our empathy, courage, tenacity and beauty, and the list goes on.

But there’s one thing trauma can never rob us from: our fighting spirit!

For you to make it through rejection, abandonment, neglect, betrayals, abuse, hatred and gossip, and STILL BE SMILING, let me tell you this: 

You are the real winner. You are a powerful warrior and everyone around you knows it! 

You are the warrior that the system couldn’t stop, regardless of how many people it sent your way to make you doubt yourself. You continue to beat the odds even when it seems like the whole world is against you! 

No trauma is bigger than your heart: a heart that has love for everyone, even those who want to only steal and take away from you.

The Body Keeps the Score’ reminds us that we may carry the wounds of our past, including the past of our ancestors, but we carry their strength, too: and they were also powerful warriors who won many wars despite the number of lost battles! 


What I love the most about spirituality is that it empowers you even further in your understanding of the world and your place in it. 

The moment you realise that you’re limitless — and I don’t mean this figuratively, we are each capable of creating our own miracles based on the potential that is stored within us — you can no longer be defined by something that happened to you within this lifetime. 

Would a limitless being ever be defined by traumatic memories that occurred in the span of 5, 10 or even 20 years? NO! 

They’ll dust off the trauma, give themselves a big hug, rise up and try again: this time from experience.

This is how powerful we are. This is why we live in a society that wants to keep us trapped in our traumas, because the moment we heal, there’s no stopping us from creating a different world 🌍🦋 

A world where we are no longer fighting against each other, but actively collaborating to make it a better place for the future generations!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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