Reboot Your Nervous System with Caroline Shine

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What exactly is the nervous system? What are the signs of a nervous system overload? How can we regulate our nervous system? What can (and should) schools teach children about the nervous system?

Join us for a conversation with Nervous System Expert and Coach Caroline Shine who blends brain science and somatic healing practices to help you tame the anxiety beast that lives within all of us!

In this episode we’ll learn more about the nervous system, how to recognise when it’s dysregulated and what we can do to regulate ourselves, so that we can live with more joy, inner peace and overall life satisfaction.


Caroline combines neuroscience and human physiology with judgement-free support to help you feel more at ease... with fear.

Simply put, she's a Nervous System Regulation and Somatic Coach who helps anxious humans feel at ease.

Once she discovered that a dysregulated nervous system can ruin your physical and psychological well-being, she decided to make it her mission to help others overcome the "glitches" in their inner wiring (aka their software system).

Caroline would like to you remind you, "You're not broken." It's your brain's wiring that needs a reboot – that's all.

In her words, "I’d like every child, every parent, everyone to know how inherently wise our body is and when I talk about body, it’s not just the physical body, but that includes the brain and the nervous system."

Connect with Caroline at


Are you tired of small talk? Me too.

BIG SOULS bring big ideas down to Earth.

Let’s plant some abundant seeds into the garden of your mind – join the big talk!

This is a podcast for abundance mindset.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

BORN TO DO IT: Authenticity Alchemist with Stella Yann


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