BORN TO DO IT: Authenticity Alchemist with Stella Yann

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What does the natal birth chart of an Authenticity Alchemist look like?

We'll take a look into the "Earth instructions" of Authenticity Alchemist, Brand Storyteller and Lightworker Stella Yann (yup, that's me) who's on a mission to make Earth a more united, authentic and creative place: one project at a time!

  • What's the pursuit of authenticity?

  • How can we rewrite our story?

  • How can we reconnect with our Inner Child?

  • What's the Higher Self and does everyone have a higher calling on Earth?

  • How can we use our natal birth chart to unlock our North Star and purpose in life?

Join me for an episode packed with spiritual insights and healing breakthroughs collected on my journey to aligning with my soul purpose – my North Star ⭐️

There are 4 levels that make up your authentic identity – Earth, Air, Water, Fire. Once you begin to tap into your potential, you'll discover both your Inner Child and your Higher Self.

"The more you advance yourself across the 4 levels, the more whatever you channel through you by working with your Higher Self is going to be at the next level – it's going to have a bigger impact, which is why it's so important to continue to develop all aspects of who you are."

Your Inner Child reminds you how to live with more play, imagination and intuition. Your Higher Self helps you remember why you’re here – your purpose and how best to serve Earth with your gifts.

Embarking on your journey to reconnect with your Inner Child is one of the most important decisions you can make in your lifetime. On the other side, you will meet your Higher Self!


Stella is a storyteller on a mission to bring spirituality down to Earth and create a more authentic world filled with joy.

As a Brand Storyteller, she helps leaders unlock their soul purpose and create positive change in the world with their authentic story as a small business or motivated individual.

For her network, she's an Authenticity Alchemist who can tap into other people's inner child and guide them back to their passion.

For her Spirit Team and as part of her higher calling, she's a Lightworker on a mission to awaken New Earth Leaders worldwide.

Her debut book NO ONE KNOWS ME is now on Kickstarter.


Why did I pick PINK for the episode's theme?

Pink is symbolic of the Inner Child and a link to unconditional love. It's both linked to the first chakra – the Root chakra – that gets out of balance when we face fear and stress, especially for long periods of time, but also to the fourth chakra – the Heart chakra – that longs for us to return back home to ourselves.

May this episode help you uncover more of your true authentic self and restore more of your connection to your dormant Inner Child as well as your Higher Self that's moments away from you at any given point during your time on Earth!


BORN TO DO IT is a series of stories from humans around the world who are trying to make Earth a better place one day a time.

We’ll unlock their natal birth chart instructions together and figure out if they’re on the right track — if they are moving in alignment with their soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

To discover your soul purpose, look no further than your own name. But also your natal birth chart, astrology and numerology can help.

One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.

Want to learn more? Find your own purpose


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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