8 Simple Rules to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Time to reclaim your personal power!

Your subconscious mind is the domain of the emotions, but it is also the part of your operational system that’s connected to your belief system.

When you find yourself operating β€œon autopilot”, it’s your subconscious mind leading the way.

Here are 8 rules to use when reprogramming your subconscious mind to gently shift your belief system into helping you reclaim your personal power. 

Real change happens one day at a time: slow and steady wins the race!


The number one lesson is that you have not come to Earth to worship anyone outside of you.

You are not here to worship:

  • celebrities

  • politicians

  • influencers 

  • friends and family members

  • gurus and teachers

You are here to discover your own power, learn from it and then embody it: self-empowerment. 

This means embracing and standing in your power while you treat everyone with equal respect, support and appreciation.

We are here to co-create in unity, not to bring one another down.

If anything, we are here to raise each other up, starting with raising the level of our own consciousness.


Your daily actions and choices set the tone for your life.

The decisions your make today can change your life for the better or for the worse.

This is why it’s important to think twice before making major commitments, especially if you’ve got a β€œfunny” feeling about them.

The big commitment decisions relate to:

  • relationships

  • friendships

  • marriage

  • work contracts 

  • business partnerships

  • investments 

Your Higher Self will guide you through your intuition.

If your intuition is giving you hints something’s not quite right, even it appears like β€œthe perfect fit” to the outside observer, trust your instincts. 

There’s always more to the story than meets the eye, and your senses are able to capture data and add it to your consciousness (inner database of information) before the mind can fully make sense of it.

Sometimes our own mind β€œplays tricks on us” (because we want to believe in a certain reality, even if it’s not the truth) and other times the people we deal with β€œplay tricks on us” by manipulating us into doing something we never signed up for, because they fooled us with beautiful lies. 


The only time that exists is the present moment.

What I mean by that is that it is only in the present moment YOU CAN ACT and MAKE CHANGES to your life path. 

Sure, some events cannot be predicted, but they are by default out of your control. 

It’s what you can do today, right now, in the present moment, that will help you be more prepared for what’s to come next (the unpredictable events).

It is also your daily actions that will help you align more with the β€œdream life” of your choice. 

For example, if you want to experience the life of a successful writer, but you’re unmotivated to show up and write daily, consider the following questions: 

  • Do you really want to be a successful writer? 

  • Is this a vision of yourself you’d like to achieve in order to impress other people? 

  • Is this an expectation you’ve picked up from other family members or friends who are already accomplished writers?

  • Have you glamorised the idea of being a successful writer because of a specific person’s lifestyle you’d like to experience?

The more you can understand your motivation behind wanting a goal, the more you will be able to fight and overcome the resistance that will inevitably come when you set out to achieve a big milestone. 

Equally important, the more you can understand your motivation behind wanting a goal, the more you’ll be able to tell if it’s an authentic goal or something you’ve observed and adopted as a goal of yours (without actually feeling much joy about achieving it).


Give yourself permission to learn, change and grow!

The learning doesn’t stop when you get your high school, college or university degree. The real learning starts precisely after that!

Spoiler alert: The current education system doesn’t prepare us for the β€œreal life” and some might say that’s intentional, because they need someone to work for today’s economy that is based on making profit for a minority at the top while the majority suffers in the middle class (and below) trying to survive as the cost of living is increasing every year… 

The reality is pretty grim, but that shouldn’t stop you from learning, changing and growing daily. It is exactly how you step into your purpose and bring positive change on Earth! 

Self-growth is how you advance your personal evolution and how you contribute to the evolution of all humanity.

Don’t believe me? 

Invest in your self-growth for a year and see what happens!


β€œEvery day is a school day”: there’s a reason we say this almost on a daily basis. 

We are here to learn daily!

If you’re not learning from your mistakes, you’ll continue to repeat them.

If we don’t learn from history, we’ll continue to re-create itβ€Šβ€”β€Šand some of our history is pretty oppressive, so it is crucial that we learn from our mistakes and rise above the fear-based programming ASAP.

Every failed attempt is redirection to the next attempt: the learning never stops as long as you’re open to learning.

We are all simultaneously students and teachers in the School of Life.

When we learn lessons before others, we can assist them in understanding those lessons, so they can grow from them, too. 

The most important lesson when it comes to learning: approach every situation with a beginner’s mindset!


When we judge others, we experience a form of internal resistance: it’s an opposition to our expectations as to how others should act.

Often our judgement is rooted in our own experiences where we were denied the freedom to express ourselves freely. 

When we haven’t processed our painful experiences and healed our inner wounds, we tend to project that onto other people through judgement. 

Judgement does not benefit you, because:

  • it lowers your energetic frequency 

  • it creates anger, frustration, hate, comparison, doubt

  • it separates you from others (β€œus versus them”)

Society has taught us to conform to the conditional programming of judgement, because they know how satisfying it feels to unite with others based on your β€œmutual hate towards someone else”. It’s almost addictive!

But once you see through the illusion, you’ll see what judgement really does… it creates disharmony, conflict, hatred and opposition in society.


Do you know what else has society’s conditional programming embedded in our collective consciousness? 

That emotions are scary!

But here’s the thing: if we don’t feel our emotions, we cannot process them and learn from them.

Emotions are energy in motion and every emotion has a message for us: it is trying to get our attention to a particular area of our life, so that we can advance our understanding.

What happens when we block our emotions?

Mental health issues! 


Give people the benefit of the doubt, but if their behaviour consistently shows you that they don’t care about respecting you, supporting you or loving you (the way that you need it), it’s OK to move on without them.

We have normalised dysfunctional relationships and friendships, and this is largely due to the conditional love we’ve been programmed to accept as the norm.

You deserve to be loved, supported and appreciated every single day.

If people can only show up for you when you have problems, because they love to join a β€œpity party”, that’s a big indicator they never wanted to see you succeed in the first place.

β€œMisery loves company” is a classic conditional programming that, unfortunately, many people in society are still adhering to, because they haven’t done the inner work.

Once your self-growth journey takes you higher in your own operational system, so you begin to live your days in a state of joy, peace and acceptance, it will become very difficult to be around people who disrupt your inner balance.

Listen to your intuition and β€œcut off” people who are β€œsucking the life out of you”.

Yes, JOY, PEACE and LOVE are all forms of life.

This means that anger, hate, jealousy, envy, grief, fear and most negative emotional states that people ACTIVELY choose to remain in decrease one’s life force. If you’re around people like that, they will decrease your life force, too!


These 50 movies might help you on your journey to spiritual ascension.

If you’re looking for spiritual guidance, you can book a 1-Hour Soul Purpose Discovery Call or a 30-Minute Spiritual Awakening Tarot Reading.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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