What’s Your Communication Style Based On Your Rising Sign

There are 12 astrological signs that fit into 4 elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element has a specialty and this is how they translate to our human nature:

  • Earth: identity, actions

  • Air: ideas, mindset

  • Water: emotions, openness

  • Fire: passion, attitude

We are all made up of the 4 elements and depending on the mix that you’ll discover in your natal birth chart, you can begin to understand more about your own unique nature.

And just like there are 4 main elements, there are 4 communication styles! 

In order to determine yours, look to your Rising Sign.


If your Rising sign is an Earth Sign:

  • Taurus

  • Virgo

  • Capricorn

Your communication style is practical, powerful, grounding.

Yes, words matter to you, but there’s one thing that matters even more: actions. 

“Actions speak louder than words”

Not only do you talk the talk, but you certainly walk the walk, especially when you are committed to a person, project or a cause. For you the best way to express yourself is through actions.

This makes you highly suitable to be a business owner, entrepreneur and project manager. 


If your Rising sign’s an Air Sign:

  • Gemini

  • Libra

  • Aquarius

Your communication style is inviting, uplifting, connecting!

Here’s the thing about you…

Not only do you have a way with words, but you appreciate and respect what others have to say, too.

“Every point of view matters”

Relationships are crucial for your success, because they allow you to exchange information and build in a manner that honours different perspectives, especially when you have found your niche in the world.

You make a skillful team player and collaborator!


If your Rising sign’s a Water sign:

  • Cancer

  • Scorpio

  • Pisces

Your communication style is warm, intuitive, calming.

Empathy is a skill you’re naturally good at and there’s nothing that you value more than honesty. 

“Say it like you mean it” 

Surrounding yourself with people you can trust is the key that unlocks your most authentic and exuberant version.

You have much to give to the world: you are a powerful activator when it comes to emotional intelligence. 

You can achieve great things when you use your intuition to help others understand themselves better!

This makes mentorship, coaching and teaching great career paths for you.


If your Rising sign’s a Fire sign:

  • Aries

  • Leo

  • Sagittarius

Your communication style is passionate, unpredictable, transformative!

Whatever happens, one thing’s certain: you will always follow your heart and focus your attention on what sets your soul on fire.

This means you don’t shy away from speaking the truth in your pursuit to elevate, create and bring change into the world. 

“Don’t get me wrong but I’m going to say it anyway” 

You might shock some people, but you will liberate many more simply by embracing your authenticity.

There’s a reason you’re passionate about certain topics and areas of life – that’s where you’ll find your success!


Both your Rising Sign and your Venus Sign reveal more about the way you will express yourself, but there’s one crucial difference… 

Your Venus Sign will show you what you value when it comes to the people you form the strongest bonds in your life, from romantic partners and friends to business partners and colleagues. 

While you will communicate with everyone using your Rising Sign energy, your Venus Sign will point to your love language reserved for your inner circle.

This might give you an explanation as to why you have different values and expectations when it comes to (A) platonic connections and (B) romantic relationships. 

Read more: 10 Things Your Natal Birth Chart Shows You

Want to level up your career and learn more about your soul purpose? Let’s analyse your natal birth chart together 👋🏼 

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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


What’s Your Secret Superpower Based On Your Moon Sign


What’s Your Leadership Style Based On Your Sun Sign