What’s Your Leadership Style Based On Your Sun Sign

There are 12 astrological signs that fit into 4 elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element has a specialty and this is how they translate to our human nature:

  • Earth: identity, actions

  • Air: ideas, mindset 

  • Water: emotions, openness

  • Fire: passion, attitude

We are all made up of the 4 elements and depending on the mix that you’ll discover in your natal birth chart, you can begin to understand more about your own unique nature.

But to simplify it, here’s one way to interpret the 4 elements within your profile:

  • Earth: Doer

  • Air: Thinker

  • Water: Partner

  • Fire: Leader

Depending on the type of elements you have in your natal birth chart, you can begin to understand how best to handle the different aspects of life and the 12 astrological houses that are part of your natal birth chart.

For example, if your Rising Sign is an Air Sign, the way you’re going to best present your authenticity to the world is with your ideas, analytical abilities and communication skills — this is how you’re going release more of your potential and find your soul tribe.

Now let’s look at the 4 types of Leadership based on the 4 elements that you can find in your Sun Sign and what’s the connection between your Sun Sign and your Moon Sign.


If your Sun sign is an Earth Sign:

  • Taurus

  • Virgo

  • Capricorn

You can be described as a Visionary who can manifest a lot more than the average person.

Earth Sun Signs are very practical and hard-working. This makes it easier for them to break down complex ideas into daily achievable actions.

If you know anything about consistency — it gets the job done!

The same can be said about Leaders who have an Earth Sun Sign. They are trustworthy team players and excellent project managers when it comes to transforming a vision into a viable product. 

Leaders with Earth Sun Sign may take their time in the planning phase, but once they start working, they won’t stop until they make it to the finish line and their motivation will likely inspire you to level up your own strategy.


If your Sun sign’s an Air Sign:

  • Gemini

  • Libra

  • Aquarius

You can be defined as a Mastermind — or an Idea Generator — who’s also an excellent communicator!

Air Sun Signs are amazing at keeping the flow of ideas in constant motion and exploring other people’s minds in everyday conversations, looking for the next big breakthrough. 

They understand that knowledge is power, but more so than anything, they are able to get to the heart of the problem by looking at every possible angle until they reach a conclusion — the winning formula for success.

Leaders with an Air Sun Sign only need to worry about excessive gossip and filtering through the large amount of data they go through daily, because not all that glitters is gold!

Once Air Sign Leaders are able to master where their attention goes and what they focus their energy on, they can conquer any stage and share their brilliant ideas with the whole world.


If your Sun sign’s a Water sign:

  • Cancer

  • Scorpio

  • Pisces

You can be seen as a great Community Leader and your superpower is empathy!

Water Sun Signs are naturally more intuitive and able to “read the room” based on people’s body language, tone of voice and even their current energetic presence. 

Leaders with Water Sun Sign can shift the mood of any room they enter due to their emotional intelligence, but they may also use their abilities to manipulate others — if they happen to be unbalanced themselves!

Once Water Sign Leaders are able to ascend from the level of manipulation and rise to the level of manifestation (the level of co-creating with the Universe = using the Law of Attraction to bring positive change on Earth), they can create massive shifts in society that have positive ripple effects for many generations to come.


If your Sun sign’s a Fire sign:

  • Aries

  • Leo

  • Sagittarius

You can be best described as a Disruptor who’s here to transform society and bring positive change wherever you go!

It is almost in your DNA to be a transformational force. You spark ideas and transformation with your mere presence in rooms, that’s just your nature.

Leaders with Fire Sun Sign may struggle to commit to just one project or even get overly attached to a particular project (the same logic goes for people and places) due to their passionate nature.

Once they are able to master their emotions and align with the “timeline” that will bring them the most joy and fuel for their inspiration, that’s when the real magic happens!


Your Moon sign will give you indication to the element that completes your Leadership style — think of them as a yin/yang relationship.

While your Sun Sign is your more visible side, your Moon Sign is what you’re naturally good at, so you will 100% rely on it as part of your existing identity, especially in situations where you cannot fully align with the energy of your Sun Sign.

Read more: 10 Things Your Natal Birth Chart Shows You

Want to level up your career and learn more about your soul purpose? Let’s analyse your natal birth chart together 👋🏼 

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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


What’s Your Communication Style Based On Your Rising Sign


Boost Your Curiosity & Level Up Your Life