Space: Can We Actually Leave Earth?

Time for positive change  🦋

Many people ask the question “Is the Earth flat?” 

That’s NOT the right way to ask the question!

The question is NOT wrong, remember that Earth’s a game! 

The real question is: “Can we ever really LEAVE EARTH?”

If Earth really is a closed system, then we can’t leave Earth.

Science has already shown us that Earth is a closed system: our energy can travel far and beyond our imagination, but our bodies and the material world are all tied to Earth.

We are being shown space missions while the state of the Earth gets worse: why?

It’s all a distraction!

Think about the current state of the world:

  • Why are we experiencing high rates of burnout?

  • Why is the education system not preparing children and teenagers with actual life skills?

  • Why is there so much marketing around fast food, alcohol and medicine (when they’re all chemically enhanced to destroy us from within)?

  • Why are parts of the world's Nature destroyed to create tourist attractions?

1 word: MONEY!

Distractions, distractions, distractions, so many distractions around us: but what's really going on behind the scenes? 🤔

Time to start doing your own research!


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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