What’s a Trauma Bond & How to Overcome It

Trauma bonds happen you bond with people who have gone through similar traumatic experiences as you and you develop co-dependency with them due to the familiarity with dysfunctional behaviour.

In other words, you don’t see the problem with toxic patterns of behaviour as long as you’re together, because neither of you can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms since this is the only behaviour you “know” first hand.

Trauma bonds happen especially when you haven’t done your inner child trauma healing or any type of shadow work to integrate the parts of your identity “lost” or “damaged” in the process of living 🧘🏻‍♀️ 

If you keep “dragging the past with you” wherever you go, then that means you haven’t made peace with your experiences so far and until you do the inner work of working through the pain that you carry within (trauma gets stored in the body, too) — you will attract situations with people with similar behaviour patterns, so that you successfully complete your growth journey and ascend spiritually. 

There are 2 main types of trauma bonds:

  • (1) A trauma bond with a karmic person: this type of relationship will block your healing and self-growth journey, because it will keep you repeating the same “toxic” patterns that allow for co-dependency.

  • (2) A trauma bond with a twin flame: this type of relationship will feel like a “push and pull” dynamic where your healing and self-growth journey is blocked because your “mirror” doesn’t want to do the inner work as fast as you or at all. 

Either way, once you realise you’re in a trauma bond, it’s entirely your responsibility to get yourself OUT OF IT. 

Keep investing in your growth. Keep applying self-care and self-love. Keep showing up for your daily habits!

The more you commit to the path of self-growth, the more you are able to release your potential, step into your purpose and align with your true soul tribe.


Every day’s a school day and we are not learning alone!

Learn more about the 3 types of relationships we all experience on Earth depending on where we are in our learning journey:


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


BORN TO DO IT: Spiritual Artist with Jennifer Hawkyard


10 Billionaires, 1 Thing In Common