Why We Settle In Relationships

Why we stay with the liar, the manipulator, the abuser  🦋

You can love someone even when you know they are lying to you, because deep down you see the Light in their Soul — the Love in their Heart that’s ready to be released into the world… IF they were to open up and actually do the inner work required to fully express their emotions.

⚠️ And that’s a big IF that shouldn’t be ignored. 

But it’s hard to let a liar love you, because a part of the trust has been forever lost in their attempts to cover the truth, or worse, bend your perspective or free will… 

⚠️ That’s where trust issues come into the picture!

The truth is we always know who we can trust and who we can’t trust with our heart, even if we allow everyone to “try to love us” — in the end we accept the love we believe we deserve. 

If there’s a part of us that believes it deserves to “suffer some more”, it will always accept to be loved by:

  • a liar

  • a manipulator

  • a cheater

  • a gaslighter 

  • an abuser

“I deserve better” changes the script. 

There’s suffering that’s beneficial because it helps us to destroy our own illusions, the masks, the filters, the attachments.

⚠️ And there’s suffering that’s pure torture to our Soul, Heart, and Mind.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell which one we’re experiencing when we’re sad, down, under the weather, confused, overwhelmed.

Learning to love yourself is the pursuit of a lifetime and when you achieve it, you understand how much pain you’ve actually experienced, because of the lack of love for yourself. 

The world’s a mirror. 

If your relationships aren’t uplifting, supporting and appreciating you, it’s because deep down you believe you don’t deserve to be uplifted, supported and appreciated: that you’re unworthy of love. 

“I am worthy of the deepest kind of love” changes the script.

Change the script. Choose yourself. Love yourself. Lead with love. Create positive change with your love!

P.S. It took me 30 years to learn to love myself. How long did it take you?


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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