DAY 24


The path to success is paved with many challenges. When we apply consistency to our pursuit for greatness on a daily basis, we will be able to conquer any obstacle and turn it into a life lesson.

The smartest, strongest and most adaptable people in the world get β€œattacked” by the same distractions as usβ€Šβ€”β€Šlike social media, fast food, or useless items advertised by creative marketing slogansβ€Šβ€”β€Šbut they know better than to give in to the many temptations.

Once we automate habits, they become part of our routine, which gives us time to focus on our goals. Adding positive habits to our daily life and removing negative habits is at the core of living healthy. 

Your challenge today is to choose a habit to practice for the next 30 days.

For example:

  • If you want to read more books in the new year, add 30 minutes for reading every day in the calendar.

  • If you want to get started with meditation, try using Headspace or Calm for a month.

  • If you want to exercise more, why not start with 30 days of walking first?

  • If you want to eat healthier, start a diet journal and track what you eat while discovering how it makes you feel.

The aim is to choose one habit and stick to it for 30 days, then review your progress at the end of the month and decide if it's the right activity for you - if it's not, modify it or choose a different habit.

Life is really short, but when you understand what you want to achieve, make a plan for it and show up to do the work every day, you might just find a way to get more time to live than the rest. 

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 23: Authenticity