DAY 23


The people we look up to are the ones whose words and actions match the story they tell about themselves.

When we are true to who we are on a daily basis, we get to create a happy, peaceful and successful life. In such a life, no challenge is too big to handle and no personality we meet too difficult to get to know.

To be authentic is to know who you are. Being authentic is a life-long mission.

Your challenge today is to take time to pick a skill or habit you want to develop in the next 6 to 12 months.

For example, if you are a creative person but haven’t had the timeβ€Šβ€”β€Šor motivationβ€Šβ€”β€Što paint recently, write down a couple of ideas you can try in the next few months. 

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to become a more active person, but you shy away from large groups? Think about activities that can help you to become the kind of person you want to be while being true to your personality and make a list of the next steps to get started.

The aim is to think about your "self" as an ongoing project. We are constantly changing and there’s always room for improvement.

When we move forward keeping our authenticity in mind, we can get better at committing to the right opportunities for growth.

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 22: Play


Day 24: Consistency